RetroBSD 嵌入式 BSD 系统 项目简介
RetroBSD 是 2.11BSD 的移植版本,主要用于嵌入式系统和固定内存映射的设备上。当前目标是 Microchip PIC32 微控制器,包含 128K 内存和 512K 闪存。PIC32 处理器使用 MIPS M4K 架构,可执行数据内存和在用户和核心模式下的灵活的 RAM 分区。当前支持的硬件: chipKIT Max32 board, with Arduino Ethernet shield R3 or chipKIT WiFi shield. Sparkfun UBW32 board, with SD card socket. Maximite computer. Microchip Explorer 16 board, with PIC32 CAN-USB plug-in module and SD & MMC pictail. Microchip PIC32 USB or Ethernet Starter Kit, with I/O Expansion board and SD & MMC pictail. Olimex Duinomite, Duinomite-Mini, Duinomite-Mega and Duinomite-eMega boards. Olimex Pinguino-Micro board with PIC32MX795F512H microcontroller. eflightworks DIP board with micro-SD socket. CGMMSTICK1 board. Fubarino SD board with PIC32MX795F512H microcontroller. MikroElektronika multimedia board for PIC32MX7. Dimitech DTX2-4105C module in a PLCC-68 format.