deepstream 数据同步和消息传递引擎 项目简介 宣布发布 deepstream 2.0,一个百万级数据同步和消息传递的引擎。服务器和客户端基于 WebSockets 协议通讯。提供多种语言的客户端开发包,包括可直接在浏览器使用的 JavaScript 包。deepstream 的使用场景:协作应用,例如 Google Docs 或者 Trello 之类快速贸易、拍卖平台消息传递和社交交互平台金融报表和风险控制赌场或者是多玩家的手机游戏实习的统计分析和监控系统物联网数据采集和控制系统股票和库存控制过程管理系统其声称基准测试比 Socket.IO 快出1000倍!示例代码:// get the record
var driver = client.record.getRecord( 'driver/14' );
// subscribe to any changes within position
driver.subscribe( 'position', function( position ){
updateMarker( position.x, position.y );
});Android 代码:// implements android.location.LocationListener
public void onLocationChanged(Location location) {
// get the record
Record record = client.record.getRecord( "driver/14" );
// any kind of data path works
record.set( "position.x", location.getLongitude() );
//as well as any kind of serializable datatype
record.set( "position.y", location.getLatitude() );
var driver = client.record.getRecord( 'driver/14' );
// subscribe to any changes within position
driver.subscribe( 'position', function( position ){
updateMarker( position.x, position.y );
});Android 代码:// implements android.location.LocationListener
public void onLocationChanged(Location location) {
// get the record
Record record = client.record.getRecord( "driver/14" );
// any kind of data path works
record.set( "position.x", location.getLongitude() );
//as well as any kind of serializable datatype
record.set( "position.y", location.getLatitude() );