• 授权协议:MIT
  • 开发厂商:-
  • 软件语言:Swift
  • 更新日期:2016-03-21

ReSwift是一款终极版样实现Swift单向数据流架构。State Changes: in a ReSwift app you can only perform state changes through actions. Actions are small pieces of data that describe a state change. By drastically limiting the way state can be mutated, your app becomes easier to

ReSwift Swift单向数据流 项目简介

ReSwift是一款终极版样实现Swift单向数据流架构。介绍ReSwift可以帮助你把应用程序的组件分为三个重要点:State: in a ReSwift app the entire app state is explicitly stored in a data structure. This helps avoid complicated state management code, enables better debugging and has many, many more benefits...Views: in a ReSwift app your views update when your state changes. Your views become simple visualizations of the current app state.State Changes: in a ReSwift app you can only perform state changes through actions. Actions are small pieces of data that describe a state change. By drastically limiting the way state can be mutated, your app becomes easier to understand and it gets easier to work with many collaborators.安装CocoaPodsuse_frameworks!

source 'https://github.com/CocoaPods/Specs.git'
platform :ios, '8.0'

pod 'ReSwift'Carthagegithub "ReSwift/ReSwift"软件截图

ReSwift Swift单向数据流 评论内容