Beaker Python 高速缓存和会话库 项目简介
Beaker,高速缓存和会话的库,用于Web应用以及独立的Python脚本。这个库还包含用于Web应用的WSGI中间件。Beaker 基于 Perl Cache::Cache 开发。特性:速度快,强大的性能多读/写单锁系统,以避免重复同时创建缓存缓存后端包括DBM,文件,内存,memcached和数据库签名的cookie防止会话劫持/欺骗唯一的Cookie会话来删除一个数据库或文件后端示例代码:# Assuming that cache is an already created CacheManager instance
tmpl_cache = cache.get_cache('mytemplate.html', type='dbm', expire=3600)
search_param = 'gophers'
def get_results():
# do something to retrieve data
data = get_data(search_param)
return data
# Cache this function, based on the search_param, using the tmpl_cache
# instance from the prior example
results = tmpl_cache.get(key=search_param, createfunc=get_results)
tmpl_cache = cache.get_cache('mytemplate.html', type='dbm', expire=3600)
search_param = 'gophers'
def get_results():
# do something to retrieve data
data = get_data(search_param)
return data
# Cache this function, based on the search_param, using the tmpl_cache
# instance from the prior example
results = tmpl_cache.get(key=search_param, createfunc=get_results)