• 授权协议:-
  • 开发厂商:-
  • 软件语言:Basic
  • 更新日期:2008-08-31

comisat Games Collection is an all-in-one free collection of games written in gambas. Actually, there's five games included: Mr.Cappio , Mr.Quattro , Mr.Biscia , Mr.Mind and Mr.Tetris .

comisat 项目简介

comisat Games Collection is an all-in-one free collection of games written in gambas. Actually, there's five games included: Mr.Cappio (hangman), Mr.Quattro (connect 4), Mr.Biscia (snake), Mr.Mind (master mind) and Mr.Tetris (Atari Tetris 1988). Screenshot: Mr.Tetris (atari tetris 1988) Mr.Tetris (atari tetris 1988) Mr.Mind (master mind) Mr.Quattro (connect4) Mr.Cappio (hangman)

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