SSH2 Troubleshooting
SSH2 TroubleShooting :
1. check rlogin parameter for remote user.
2. check the permission of correct public key
3. check .ssh2 folder permission ,it should be 755
4.remote IP address ,should be configured in ssh-server-config.xml
5. check public key encrypt patten (rsa/dsa)
6. check allow host configuration.
Restart or debug SSH2:
Stop existing ssh serverices using kill -9 ssh process id
And start ssh serverices using debug mode
Ex :/usr/sbin/sshd2 -d 6 -f /etc/ssh2/sshd2_config_p
And sshg3 –d 6 username@ipaddress or scpg3 filename –d 6 username@ipaddress
Ssh tectial also same:
lssrc –s ssh-tectia
startsrc -s ssh-tectia-server
ex :/opt/tectia/sbin/ssh-server-g3 -D4
stopsrc –s ssh-tectia-server