wolflp1db:/tmp/ssh#tar xvf openssh_5.2p1_aix61.tar
wolflp1db:/tmp/ssh# ls
openssh.base openssh.msg.FR_FR openssh.msg.RU_RU openssh.msg.de_DE openssh.msg.pl_PL
openssh.license openssh.msg.HU_HU openssh.msg.SK_SK openssh.msg.en_US openssh.msg.pt_BR openssh.msg.IT_IT openssh.msg.ZH_CN openssh.msg.es_ES openssh.msg.ru_RU
openssh.msg.CA_ES openssh.msg.JA_JP openssh.msg.ZH_TW openssh.msg.fr_FR openssh.msg.sk_SK
openssh.msg.CS_CZ openssh.msg.Ja_JP openssh.msg.Zh_CN openssh.msg.hu_HU openssh.msg.zh_CN
openssh.msg.DE_DE openssh.msg.KO_KR openssh.msg.Zh_TW openssh.msg.it_IT openssh.msg.zh_TW
openssh.msg.EN_US openssh.msg.PL_PL openssh.msg.ca_ES openssh.msg.ja_JP openssh_5.2p1_aix61.tar
openssh.msg.ES_ES openssh.msg.PT_BR openssh.msg.cs_CZ openssh.msg.ko_KR
wolflp1db:/tmp/ssh# smit install_latest
Install Software
Type or select values in entry fields.
Press Enter AFTER making all desired changes.
[Entry Fields]
* INPUT device / directory for software ./
* SOFTWARE to install [_all_latest] +
PREVIEW only? (install operation will NOT occur) no +
COMMIT software updates? yes +
SAVE replaced files? no +
AUTOMATICALLY install requisite software? yes +
EXTEND file systems if space needed? yes +
OVERWRITE same or newer versions? no +
VERIFY install and check file sizes? no +
Include corresponding LANGUAGE filesets? yes +
DETAILED output? no +
Process multiple volumes? yes +
ACCEPT new license agreements? yes +
Preview new LICENSE agreements? no +
WPAR Management
Perform Operation in Global Environment yes +
Perform Operation on Detached WPARs no +
Detached WPAR Names [_all_wpars] +
Remount Installation Device in WPARs yes +
Alternate WPAR Installation Device []
wolflp1db:/tmp/ssh# lssrc -a | grep ssh
sshd ssh 10813804 active
如果是inactive 状态,可通过以下命令手工启动ssh 服务:
# startsrc -s sshd
0513-059 The sshd Subsystem has been started. Subsystem PID is 815148.
# stopsrc -s sshd
0513-044 The sshd Subsystem was requested to stop.