__author__ = 'clownfish' #coding:utf-8 import urllib2,urllib,cookielib,json username = "快盘用户名" password = "快盘密码" class sign(object): username = '' password = '' #登录显示页面 indexurl = '' #登录的form表单url loginurl = '' #签到的真正url signurl = '' def __init__(self,username,password): self.username = username self.password = password def login(self): cj = cookielib.CookieJar() opener = urllib2.build_opener(urllib2.HTTPCookieProcessor(cj)) urllib2.install_opener(opener) print "打开登录页面" try: urllib2.urlopen(self.indexurl) post_data = {'username':self.username,'userpwd':self.password,'isajax':'yes'} req=urllib2.Request(self.loginurl,urllib.urlencode(post_data)) except Exception, e: print "网络链接错误" return False print "登录成功,准备签到!" response = urllib2.urlopen(req) return login def sign(self): response = urllib2.urlopen(self.signurl) sign = l = json.loads(sign) if (l and l['state'] == 1) or \ (l and 0 == l['state'] and l['increase'] * 1 == 0 and l['monthtask'].M900 == 900): print "恭喜你签到成功!" k = l['increase']*1 m = l['rewardsize'] * 1 if (k == 0 and l['monthtask'].M900 == 900): print "本月签到积分已领取完成" else: print "签到奖励积分:%s" % (k) if m == 0: print "手气太不好了!奖励 0M 空间" else: print "签到奖励空间:%s" % (m) else: if (l['state'] == -102): print "今天您已经签到过了" else: print "签到失败,遇到网络错误,请稍后再试!" return sign if __name__ == "__main__": sign = sign(username,password) if sign.login(): sign.sign()
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