--查询建立时间 --表 select * from sysobjects where id=object_id(N'表名') and xtype='U' --表的结构 select * from syscolumns where id=object_id(N'表名') --存储过程 select * from sysobjects where id=object_id(N'dqtx') and xtype='P' --查询最后修改时间 --存储过程 select name,modify_date from sys.all_objects where name = '存储过程' and type='P' order by modify_date desc --触发器 select name,modify_date from sys.all_objects where name = '存储过程' and type='TR' order by modify_date desc --表 select * from sys.all_objects where name = '存储过程' and type='u' order by modify_date desc
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