select e.empno as "雇员编号",e.ename as "雇员姓名",e.job as "雇员职位" from emp e
select e.job as "雇员职位" ,e.* from emp e;
select DISTINCT e.job as "雇员职位",e.* from emp e;
select e.empno as "雇员编号",e.ename as "雇员姓名",(e.sal+IFNULL(comm,0)*12) as "基本年薪" from emp e
select e.empno as "雇员编号",e.ename as "雇员姓名",(e.sal+IFNULL(comm,0)+200+300)*12 as "基本年薪" from emp e;
select e.* from emp e where e.sal>2000;
select e.* from emp e where e.ename="SMITH";
select e.* from emp e where e.job != "CLERK";
select e.* from emp e where e.job <> "CLERK";
select e.* from emp e WHERE e.job not in("CLERK");
select e.* from emp e where e.job = "SALESMAN" && e.sal>1300;
select e.* from emp e where e.job in ("SALESMAN") and e.sal>1300;
select e.* from emp e where e.sal>=1500 and e.sal<= 3000;
select e.* from emp e where e.sal BETWEEN 1500 and 3000;
select e.* from emp e WHERE (e.job=‘SALESMAN‘ or e.job=‘manager‘) and e.sal>1500;
select * from emp e where e.HIREDATE between(‘1981-1-01‘) and(‘1981-12-31‘);
select * from emp e where e.hiredate >= ‘1981-1-01‘ and e.hiredate <= ‘1981-12-31‘;
select * from emp e where e.comm is not null;
select * from emp e where e.comm="";
select e.* from emp e WHERE e.comm > 100;
select e.* from emp e where e.empno in (7369,7566,9999);
select * from emp e where e.ename like "A%";
select * from emp e where SUBSTR(e.ename,2,1)=‘m‘;
select * from emp e where e.ename like "%_m";
select * from emp e WHERE e.ename like "%a%";
select * from emp e where regexp_like(first_name,‘[,a]+‘);(正则表达式)
select * from emp e order by e.sal asc;(默认是asc,是升序)
select * from emp e order by e.sal desc;(desc,是降序)
select * from emp e order by e.sal desc,e.hiredate asc;
(select * from emp e where e.job=‘manager‘ and e.DEPTNO=10 )union all(SELECT * from emp b where b.job=‘clerk‘ and b.DEPTNO=20);
select * from emp e where e.deptno = 10 and e.job = ‘Manager‘ union select * from emp e where e.deptno = 20 and e.job = ‘clerk‘;
(select * from emp e where e.job!=‘manager‘ and e.DEPTNO=10 and e.SAL>=2000 and e.job != ‘clerk‘ )union (select * from emp b where b.job!=‘clerk‘ and b.job!= ‘manager‘and b.DEPTNO=20 and b.sal>=2000);
select a.empno as "员工编号",a.ename as "员工姓名" , b.empno"上司编号",b.ename as "上司姓名", (B.SAL+IFNULL(B.COMM,0))*12 "领导年工资"
from emp a,emp b
where a.mgr= b.empno
orderby by (b.sal+IFNULL(b.comm,0))*12 desc;
select e.ename as "员工姓名",e.empno as "员工编号",e.sal as "员工薪资",e.hiredate as "雇佣日期",d.dname as "部门名称" from emp e,dept d where e.job="salesman" and e.deptno = d.deptno;
select emp.ename as "雇员姓名",dept.dname as "雇员职位",emp.sal as "雇员薪资" from emp,dept WHERE emp.deptno = dept.deptno;
35.查询出所有员工的年工资,所在部门名称,按年薪从低到高排序。select (e.sal+IFNULL(e.comm,0))*12 as allYearSales,d.dname as "部门名称",e.* from emp e,dept d where e.deptno = d.deptno order by allYearSales desc;
36.查询出某个员工的上级主管及所在部门名称,并要求出这些主管中的薪水超过3000。 select distinct
from emp e1,emp e2,dept d
where e1.mgr = e2.empno && e2.deptno = d.deptno && e2.sal > 300;
select MAX(e.sal) as "最高工资",MIN(e.sal) as "最低工资" from emp e;
38.查询出每个部门的人数、平均工资,只显示部门编号。select deptno as "部门编号",count(e.deptno) as "部门员工数量",avg(e.sal) as "平均薪资" from emp e group by e.deptno;
39.查询出每种职位的最高和最低工资。SELECT job as "职位", MAX(sal) as "最高薪资",MIN(sal) as "最低薪资" FROM emp group by job;
select job as "职业",count(job) as "从事的职业数量",AVG(sal) as "平均薪资" from emp group by job having AVG(sal)>2000;
e.deptno as "部门编号", d.dname as "部门名称", AVG(sal) as "部门平均薪资",MIN(sal) as "最低薪资",MAX(sal) as "最高薪资"
emp e,dept d
e.deptno = d.deptno
group by
select p.deptno as "部门编号",p.dname as "部门名称",p.loc as "部门地址",count(job)as "部门人数",IFNULL(AVG(e.sal),0) as "部门平均工资" from emp e
right join dept p
on e.deptno = p.deptno
group by p.dname; (右连接)