






  1. 初始化种群
  2. 创建适应度计算函数
  3. 定义交配池
  4. 选择父母
  5. 进行交叉
  6. 变异
  7. 获得后代作为第1步的新种群。
  8. 返回2并重复直到满足停止条件



我们现在将从头开始实施遗传算法。我们将寻求优化简单的线性方程--F(X)= A1X1 + A2X2 + A3X3 + A4X4。其中X1 = 4,X2 = -2,X3 = 3.5,X4 = -4.2


遗传算法将帮助我们找出最佳乘数--A值 - 它将产生我们给定代数的最大F(X)。我们创建了一些函数来帮助我们执行适应度计算,父母选择,交叉和变异。



初始化种群:这涉及初始化您的样本解决方案。对于我们的种群解决方案,将初始化它们在-5和+ 5之间(随机选择),如下所示:

#Import numpy library import numpy as np 
#Set seed for reproducability 


#Calcuate fitness of population
def calculate_fitness(inputs, population):
 Description: This function calculates the fitness of our solutions
 Input Arguments: input values and a population of weights
 Output: Fitness - a fitness value
 fitness = np.sum(population*inputs, axis=1)
 return fitness



#Choose parents to mate 
def choose_mating(population, fitness, number_of_parents):
 Description: This function chooses the most fit solutions to mate in order to yield the next generation
 Input Arguments: a population, the fitness and the number of parents required to mate
 the parents to mate
 #initialize empty numpy array to hold parents
 parents = np.empty((number_of_parents, population.shape[1]))
 #loop to fill the created parents array with the fittest solutions and stop at the required number of parents
 for number in range(number_of_parents):
 maximum_fitness_index = np.where(fitness == np.max(fitness))
 maximum_fitness_index = maximum_fitness_index[0][0]
 parents[number, :] = population[maximum_fitness_index, :]
 fitness[maximum_fitness_index] = -99999999999
 return parents



#Perform cross over
def crossingover(parents, size_of_offspring):
 Description: This function performs a one point cross over operation on the parents. 
 Input Arguments:
 Parents - the parents pool to be crossed over
 size of offspring - the size of offspring required
 offspring - the crossed over offspring
 # initialize an empty numpy array to hold the offsprings
 offspring = np.empty(size_of_offspring)
 # specify the point of cross over - at the center in our case
 point_of_crossover = np.uint8(size_of_offspring[1]/2)
 #loop over the number of offspring required to get the required offsprings
 for k in range(size_of_offspring[0]):
 # get index of first parent to be mated
 parent1_index = k%parents.shape[0]
 # get index of second parent to be mated
 parent2_index = (k+1)%parents.shape[0]
 # proceed to assign the first half of the first parents gene to the first half gene of the offspring
 offspring[k, 0:point_of_crossover] = parents[parent1_index, 0:point_of_crossover]
 # proceed to assign the second half of the second parents gene to the second half gene of the offspring
 offspring[k, point_of_crossover:] = parents[parent2_index, point_of_crossover:]
 return offspring



#perform mutation
def mutation(cross_over_offspring):
 Description: This function performs some random variation to the genes of the 
 solutions by adding a random bias number.
 Input - 
 cross_over_offspring - offspring obtained from the cross over function
 Output -
 Mutated offspring 
 #loop over the offsprings and add a random bias number to their genes
 for number in range(cross_over_offspring.shape[0]):
 # Create the random bias number to be used for muation. The arguments taken are the limits(low and high) and the size
 random_bias_number = np.random.uniform(-1.5, 1.5, 1)
 #Proceed to mutate by adding the bias number
 cross_over_offspring[number, 3] = cross_over_offspring[number, 3] + random_bias_number
 return cross_over_offspring



该等式给出为F(X)= A1X1 + A2X2 + A3X3 + A4X4,其中X1 = 4 X2 = -2 X3 = 3.5 X4 = -4.2全部随机选择。

我们将寻求优化值 - A1,A2,A3和A4,以最大化函数F(X)。我们将从一组X的输入开始,然后指定权重的数量。然后我们指定要交叉的若干代,并在最后选择最佳解决方案。


Implementing the GA
# Specify inputs of the equation ( X values)
inputs = [4,-2,3.5,-4.2]
# Specify the number of weights or multipliers (A values, in our case) for each input which we are looking to optimize
number_of_weights = 4
# Specify the number of solutions in each generation. Each solution will have the number of weights
solutions = 6
#Specify the number of parents mating to yield the specified number of solutions
number_of_parents_mating = 3
# Define the population size based on the number of parents mating and the number of solutions
population_size = (solutions,number_of_weights)
#randomly create the inital population according to the specified population size
new_population = np.random.uniform(low=-5.0, high=5.0, size=population_size)
#Print out the initialized population
#Specify the number of generations to mutate through 
number_of_generations = 10
#Loop over the specified number of generations
for generation in range(number_of_generations):
 #Print the generation in which we are currently looping through to keep track
 print("Generation : ", generation)
 # Calculate the fitness of the population in the current generation
 fitness = calculate_fitness(inputs, new_population)
 # Proceed to select the most fit parents to mate
 parents = choose_mating(new_population, fitness, 
 # Proceed to create offsprings via the one point cross over
 crossover = crossingover(parents,
 size_of_offspring=(population_size[0]-parents.shape[0], number_of_weights))
 # Proceed to add random bias to the genes of the created offspring via the mutation function
 mutated = mutation(crossover)
 # Proceed to create the new population from the parents and the mutated
 new_population[0:parents.shape[0], :] = parents
 new_population[parents.shape[0]:, :] = mutated
 # Get the best or most fit solution in this current generation
 print("Best result : ", np.max(np.sum(new_population*inputs, axis=1)))
#Calculate fitness of final generation
fitness = calculate_fitness(inputs, new_population)
# Get most fit solution of final generation
most_fit_index = np.where(fitness == np.max(fitness))
#Print out the best solution 
print("Best solution : ", new_population[most_fit_index, :])
print("Best solution fitness : ", fitness[most_fit_index])



  • 特征选择:遗传算法(GA)可用于训练机器学习算法的特征选择。遗传算法的目标是通过选择产生这种结果的最佳特性来优化机器学习模型的性能度量。
  • 超参数调整:利用遗传算法对机器学习算法和神经网络的超参数进行调优,以优化模型性能。这将涉及到使用遗传算法搜索最适合的超参数,以优化模型性能和降低成本函数。
  • 强化学习:强化学习非常适合遗传算法,因为它们都旨在根据以前的算法优化决策。遗传算法在强化学习中有很多应用。

