syslog 日志

4.1 syslog Message Parts The full format of a syslog message seen on the wire has three discernable parts. The first part is called the PRI, the second part is the HEADER, and the third part is the MSG. The total length of the packet MUST be 1024 bytes or less. There is no minimum length of the syslog message although sending a syslog packet with no contents is worthless and SHOULD NOT be transmitted.<br /><br />
标准格式:<23>Oct 9 23:33:20 ssh[1787]: Accepted publickey for root from.

Numerical Facility Code 0 kernel messages 内核信息; 1 user-level messages 用户进程信息; 2 mail system 电子邮件相关信息; 3 system daemons 后台进程相关信息; 4 security/authorization messages (note 1)
5 messages generated internally by syslogd 系统日志信息 6 line printer subsystem 打印服务相关信息。 7 network news subsystem 新闻组服务器信息 8 UUCP subsystemuucp 生成的信息 9 clock daemon (note 2) 时钟守护进程 10 security/authorization messages (note 1) 安全授权信息 11 FTP daemon 12 NTP subsystem 子进程 13 log audit (note 1) 日志审核 14 log alert (note 1)日志警报 15 clock daemon (note 2) 16 local use 0 (local0)本地用户信息 17 local use 1 (local1)本地用户信息 18 local use 2 (local2)本地用户信息 19 local use 3 (local3)本地用户信息 20 local use 4 (local4)本地用户信息 21 local use 5 (local5)本地用户信息 22 local use 6 (local6)本地用户信息 23 local use 7 (local7)本地用户信息
Table 1. syslog Message Facilities Note 1 - Various operating systems have been found to utilize Facilities 4, 10, 13 and 14 for security/authorization, audit, and alert messages which seem to be similar. Note 2 - Various operating systems have been found to utilize both Facilities 9 and 15 for clock (cron/at) messages. Each message Priority also has a decimal Severity level indicator. These are described in the following table along with their numerical values. Numerical Severity Code 0 Emergency: system is unusable 紧急状态:系统无法使用 1 Alert: action must be taken immediately 警报:必须立即采取行动 2 Critical: critical conditions 临界:临界条件 3 Error: error conditions 错误:错误条件 4 Warning: warning conditions 警告:警告条件 5 Notice: normal but significant condition 通知:正常但重要的条件 6 Informational: informational messages 信息:信息消息 7 Debug: debug-level messages 调试:调试级别消息
Table 2. syslog Message Severities<br /><br />HEADER部分(可选)<br /> 包括时间和HOST(主机或IP)<br /> 时间<br /> 格式为:MM dd hh:mm:ss<br /> 用数字表示<br /> 其中月MM为英文缩写:Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec<br /> 有些长期日志可能会增加年字段。<br /> HOST<br /> 主机或IP,无域名。<br />MSG部分<br /> 包括TAG:Content<br /> TAG(可选):表示进程名及其进程号;格式:p[343]或p-343<br /> Content:表示应用程序的自定义信息。<br /><br />这是对syslog日志格式的简单了解,为以后的日志审计提供基础<br />
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使用Log4j的SystemLogAppender可以实现远程的日志输出,为集中式的日志管理提供便利。/etc/init.d/syslog start3. 在写日志的客户机上,修改log4j配置文件:
hfty0 2011-10-17
农码经神 2010-12-17