
【51CTO专访】如果你关注Visual Studio和.NET框架的发展,你肯定对Soma这个名字不陌生。Somasegar是现任微软开发工具事业部全球资深副总裁,负责Visual Studio,Expression系列,.NET框架,Team Foundation Server等一系列产品,同时还负责管理MSDN、TechNet等网站。在他的博客上,可以看到这些产品的最新消息,以及他个人对整个产业的观点与看法。






Soma:我们在2005年启动了上海研发中心,到现在已经有7、8年的时间了。上海这边主要专注我们的服务器和工具这一块,包括Windows Server,SQL Server,System Center,以及开发工具这一块,涉及的范围相当广。比如说Windows Azure,这边的团队做了很多针对HPC负载的工作,以及Windows Azure上的高性能负载的工作。今天我们的产品展会上可以看到部分我们上海团队的研发成果。



在微软,我们有很多很棒的活动,帮助青少年和学生们建立对软件开发的兴趣以及进行开发。我们有Imagine Cup,这是一个全球范围内的开发大赛,我们已经做了十年,已经有数十万来自全球的学生参与了这个活动,展示他们如何用技术解决现实生活中的问题。我们还有DreamSpark计划,为学生提供免费的专业工具以及平台。另外,无论你是学生还是任何人,如果你想创业,我们有BizSpark计划,不仅为你提供技术支持,还提供与业内人士接触的机会。我们有大量类似的计划,帮助那些对软件感兴趣或者想做应用的人们更容易的接触到最新的技术,展示他们的创造力与才华。

Soma:如果你盖房子,你需要砖头、木头和水泥这些元素。要构建应用,你需要一个开发环境,一个IDE。所以我们有Visual Studio。我们想要用一个开发环境构建各种类型的应用:移动应用,平板应用,桌面应用,云计算的应用……我们想要的是能够复用我们已经积累的技能、专业与知识来构建这一切。作为一个开发者,你绝对不会想要在开发这个应用的时候使用这套IDE,开发另一个应用的时候使用另一套IDE,去学习另外的一套东西。我们不想这样折腾。你想要有一个用起来非常舒服的IDE,然后用它来完成所有的工作。那么,Visual Studio就希望成为一套任何想要构建应用的人都可以用的舒服的IDE。无论是刚开始写应用的学生,还是经验丰富的专职企业开发者,我们希望Visual Studio对他们都是一套很棒的IDE。

Soma:我们前不久刚刚发布了最新的Visual Studio 2012,新的东西很多。概括来说,我感觉最大的变更有两点。第一,当我们谈到构建一个现代的应用,那么我们会需要涉及到各种设备上的功能,以及各种设备上的用户体验。作为终端用户,我们希望我们的应用和数据信息能够跨平台访问和使用,我们希望无缝的跨平台信息传递。为了实现这一点,我们需要所有的前端设备与后端连接,而越来越多的后端正在变成云的一部分。那么,你需要在后端建立不间断的服务,在前端建立各种设备的体验。很多开发者对我们说,我想要构建一个应用,既照顾到后端的服务,又照顾到前端的各种设备呈现元素。我认为Visual Studio 2012就提供了构建这样一个现代应用的最佳平台。第二点,越来越多的团队过来跟我们说,他们想要更加敏捷。在团队的环境中,现在有现代的应用生命周期:持续的反馈,持续的质量测试,持续的部署与交付。敏捷开发和现代的应用生命周期管理方面,Visual Studio 2012也做的非常好。


Soma: Oh they are fantastic. If I were to describe them in one word, I would say fantastic. The reason we decided to set up research centers in China, India and Israel is because of the talent, people who are passionate about software, people who are experienced in education of computer science that can really solve problems at massive global scale using software. Especially in China, we have tons of talent, and we want to make sure that they use their talent as we go forward and build technologies, solutions and services for a world-wide customer base.

We've been on this journey for more than 10 years now. This is my 13th or 14th visit to China. Every time I come here, I get even more excited and enthusiastic about all the capability that they are building here. All these could not happen without our R&D in China, every year it is getting more advanced, more and more exciting, and it is having impact on our product and solutions globally.

Soma: For Shanghai, we started off in around 2005, so it's about 7-8 years now. If you look at it from our server and tools perspective, that is what we do in Shanghai. We work on Windows Server, our technologies for SQL Server, our technologies for System Center, our work for developer tools, that is a wide variety of things we are doing in Shanghai R&D center. If you take Windows Azure, for example, a lot of good work for HPC workload, and high performance workload for Windows Azure, is coming out of our team in Shanghai here. If you had a chance to look at the product fair today, it is a glimpse of the products we are at work for the teams here in Shanghai.

Soma: Absolutely. The work that we do here is what I called the critical part of us transforming ourselves to a cloud services company. Just to give you an example, a couple of months ago we decided to start a group here that we called the cloud computing innovation center, CCIC. The whole reason we setup the team is because we find that it is highly important to have a highly technical team here in China, in Shanghai, that is going to work with our customers, with our partners, with our government customers, to help our customers figure out how we are going to find out solutions that can be deployed, whether it is for private cloud, or for public cloud. So the work that we do here is really critical for our continuous delivering of cloud services into China.

Soma: There are a couple of reasons. One is, as time goes on, kids get exposed to technology earlier in their life. The second thing is, the cost of devices is coming down and down as time goes on. So for lots of students, access to a smartphone, or access to a slate, is becoming more and more affordable. The third thing is, the world is becoming a smaller place. With the presence of app stores, and the cloud, it is now easy for anybody who wants to do an application to be able to build an application, put it on to the app store, being able to reach a world-wide customer base, and being able to see how it affects them, how successful, how they interact with their application. So the fact that they are exposed to technology at an earlier age, the fact that they can get their devices at a lower rate, and the fact that they can reach their customers at a global base in a seamless way, these are the reasons why you see those teenager developers coming out. And we've got some fantastic programs in Microsoft to continue promote interest and excitement on teenagers and students, to be able to build next generation applications. We've got things like the Imagine Cup, which is a world-wide contest we've been doing for 10 years, and we've had hundreds of thousands of students from around the world coming together to show off what they can do with technology to solve real-world problems. We've got programs called DreamSpark, if you are a student, they give you access to all our professional tools and some other platforms tools in a free way. No matter if you are a student or a teenager, or anybody, who wants to be an entrepreneur, we got a program called BizSpark, which makes it easy to access technology, and access to peers and other people in the industry. So we've got a variety of programs for people who are interested in using software or who wants to build applications, and we want to do our part to make it friction free for them, let them show their creativity and see how far they can go.
