MyEclipse 7.0 m1 已经发布啦!
下边是官网的下载地址。正在下载中…… MyEclipse 7.0 M1 新版本修改了环境bugs,并且支持新的Eclipse 3.4/Ganymede 平台,更好的JavaScript工具,专业的JSDT实现,改进的报表工具和MyEclipse的扩展JSF工具。 The MyEclipse 7.0 M1 release is a release that includes enhancements and bug fixes for the MyEclipse environment over the previous 6.5 GA release. Notably, this release includes support for the new Eclipse 3.4/Ganymede platform, advances in JavaScript tooling, a professional implimentation of JSDT, enhancements to MyEclipse Reports tooling and MyEclipse's extensive JSF tooling.
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A.在myeclise中恢复例子开发环境:1>在myeclipse中新建一个web工程,项目名称自己任意取名,"J2EE Specification Level"一栏选择"J2EE1.4",然后点击"
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