Mysql 数据库脚本更改规范
例如: #=========2018/05/20 添加产品优惠券日期字段,jira #5247 ============。
4、数据结构更改需单独提交PR修改SQL文件(此PR只包含SQL文件修改),并注明关联的Jira issue,PR内容需注明SQL更改的内容,由指定人员审核通过后方能合并。
- /*========== 创建操作日志表,操作日志表用来处理“添加修改数据”这种操作来保证幂等性使用======================*/
- create table if not exists sqloperate_log
- (
- Id varchar(50) not null
- primary key,
- Descriptions varchar(100) null,
- DateTime timestamp default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null,
- constraint uniq_Id
- unique (Id)
- );
- /*==============示例,添加表=====================*/
- create table if not exists sqloperate_log
- (
- Id varchar(50) not null
- );
- /*==============示例,添加列(在需要新增列的时候,使用过如下方式进行新增)=====================*/
- drop procedure if exists schema_change;
- delimiter ';;'
- create procedure schema_change() begin
- /*add first column for sqloperate_log table */
- if not exists (select * from information_schema.columns where table_name = 'sqloperate_log' and column_name = 'test') then
- /*this is your sql scripts*/
- alter table sqloperate_log add column `test` varchar(255) NULL;
- end if;
- if not exists (select * from information_schema.columns where table_name = 'sqloperate_log' and column_name = 'test2') then
- alter table sqloperate_log add column `test2` varchar(255) NULL;
- end if;
- end;;
- delimiter ';'
- call schema_change();
- drop procedure if exists schema_change;
- /*==============示例,添加索引(如果需要对表中的列添加索引,使用下面的示例脚本)=====================*/
- drop procedure if exists schema_change;
- delimiter ';;'
- create procedure schema_change() begin
- if not exists (select * from information_schema.statistics where table_name = 'sqloperate_log' and index_name = 'descriptions_index') then
- /*this is your sql scripts*/
- create index descriptions_index on sqloperate_log(Descriptions);
- end if;
- end;;
- delimiter ';'
- call schema_change();
- drop procedure if exists schema_change;
- /*==============示例,添加修改数据(在需要进行一些脚本更改数据或者初始化数据的时候,使用下面的脚本示例。其中title为当前的操作的描述)=====================*/
- drop procedure if exists sqldata_change;
- delimiter ';;'
- create procedure sqldata_change() begin
- /*this is your sql scripts descriptions*/
- set @title = '向表appinfo中更新数据-示例';
- if not exists (select * from sqloperate_log where Id = sha1(@title)) then
- /*this is your sql scripts*/
- insert into appinfo(PhoneName,CreateTime) values('test phone name',now());
- /*add operate logs, don't delete*/
- insert into sqloperate_log(Id,Descriptions) values(sha1(@title),@title);
- end if;
- end;;
- delimiter ';'
- call sqldata_change();
- drop procedure if exists sqldata_change;
- /*============清理示例数据==========================*/
- /* alter table sqloperate_log drop column `test`;
- alter table sqloperate_log drop column `test2`;
- drop index `descriptions_index` on sqloperate_log;
- truncate table sqloperate_log;
- drop table sqloperate_log;
- */
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