Android The connection to adb is down, and a severe error has occured
最近在做Android 开发时,当运行环境时出现如下错误
[2013-10-11 11:43:29 - MobileOA_AndroidPadApp] The connection to adb is down, and a severe error has occured.
[2013-10-11 11:43:29 - MobileOA_AndroidPadApp] You must restart adb and Eclipse.
[2013-10-11 11:43:29 - MobileOA_AndroidPadApp] Please ensure that adb is correctly located at 'D:\android-sdk_r07-windows\android-sdk-windows\platform-tools\adb.exe' and can be executed.
1 在进程中关掉豌豆荚,或91 等等之类的进程
2 结束 adb.exe
3 cmd 进入控制台 找到你所用的adb 的路径 D:\>cd android-sdk_r07-windows\android-sdk-windows\platform-tools
4 输入 adb.exe
adb shell cd system/app rm *.apk21. 获取管理员权限: adb root22. 启动Activity: adb shell am start -n 包名/包名+类名。