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今天用scp命令复制时,提示如下错误: @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ WARNING: REMOTE HOST IDENTIFICATION HAS CHANGED! @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ IT IS POSSIBLE THAT SOMEONE IS DOING SOMETHING NASTY! Someone could be eavesdropping on you right now (man-in-the-middle attack)! It is also possible that the RSA host key has just been changed. The fingerprint for the RSA key sent by the remote host is 25:ab:2e:55:30:11:a0:84:d8:45:2f:5b:e2:47:eb:1e. Please contact your system administrator. Add correct host key in /root/.ssh/known_hosts to get rid of this message. Offending key in /root/.ssh/known_hosts:1 RSA host key for has changed and you have requested strict checking. Host key verification failed. lost connection 开始我以为是命令错误,仔细一看,原来是密钥验证错误,可能是我的账号信息做过更改。 找到该用户家目录下的如下的ssh连接文件夹: 1. cd ~/.ssh/ 2. vi known_hosts 3. 找到和远程主机ip一致的密钥保存信息,直接dd删除,然后:x保存退出 4. 重新连接,输入密码,发现连接成功 问题解决 PS 原来之前创建过一个虚拟机 IP 存在过
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