faban ALL=(ALL) ALL
scp /home/lmp/NetBeansProject/FabanGithub/faban/nightly/faban-kit-082513.tar.gz [email protected]:/opt/
#ssh-keygen #ssh-keygen -t rsa # ssh [email protected] "mkdir .ssh;chmod 0700 .ssh" (需要输入密码) # scp ~/.ssh/ [email protected]:.ssh/ (需要输入密码) 在B上的命令: # touch /root/.ssh/authorized_keys (如果已经存在这个文件, 跳过这条) # cat /root/.ssh/ >> /root/.ssh/authorized_keys (将id_rsa.pub的内容追加到 authorized_keys2 中)
netstat -lpn | grep 8080
You'll get output something like this
tcp 0 0* LISTEN 13098/java
Here my process id is 13098 and it is the process that is using port 8080
Kill the process using following command:
> sudo kill 13098
driver agent 9999 端口被占,开了多个socket,后面的workload开始时就无法再建立socket,所以要先kill掉原来的进程
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