netty源码解解析(4.0)-24 ByteBuf基于内存池的内存管理
protected PooledByteBuf(Recycler.Handle recyclerHandle, int maxCapacity) { super(maxCapacity); this.recyclerHandle = recyclerHandle; } void init(PoolChunk<T> chunk, long handle, int offset, int length, int maxLength, PoolThreadCache cache) { init0(chunk, handle, offset, length, maxLength, cache); } private void init0(PoolChunk<T> chunk, long handle, int offset, int length, int maxLength, PoolThreadCache cache) { assert handle >= 0; assert chunk != null; this.chunk = chunk; memory = chunk.memory; allocator = chunk.arena.parent; this.cache = cache; this.handle = handle; this.offset = offset; this.length = length; this.maxLength = maxLength; tmpNioBuf = null; }
private static final Recycler<PooledHeapByteBuf> RECYCLER = new Recycler<PooledHeapByteBuf>() { @Override protected PooledHeapByteBuf newObject(Handle handle) { return new PooledHeapByteBuf(handle, 0); } }; static PooledHeapByteBuf newInstance(int maxCapacity) { PooledHeapByteBuf buf = RECYCLER.get(); buf.reuse(maxCapacity); return buf; }
- chunk: PoolChunk<T>对象,这个PooledByteBuf使用的内存就是它的一部分。
- memory: 内存对象。更准确地说,PooledByteBuf使用的内存是它的一部分。
- allocator: 创建这个PooledByteBuf的PooledByteBufAllocator对象。
- cache: 线程专用的内存缓存。分配内存时会优先从这个缓存中寻找合适的内存块。
- handle: 内存在chunk中node的句柄。chunk使用handle可以计算出它对应内存的起始位置offset。
- offset: 分配内存的起始位置。
- length: 分配内存的长度,也是这个PooledByteBuf的capacity。
- maxLength: 这块内存node的最大长度。当调用capacity(int newCapacity)方法增加capacity时,只要newCapacity不大于这个值,就不用从新分配内存。
内存初始化完成之后,这个PooledByteBuf可使用的内存范围是memory内存中[offset, offset+length)。idx方法可以把ByteBuf的索引转换成memory的索引:
1 protected final int idx(int index) { 2 return offset + index; 3 }
和前面讲过的ByteBuf实现一样,PooledByteBuf也需要使用capacity(int newCapacity)改变内存大小,也会涉及到把数据从旧内存中复制到新内存的问题。也就是说,要解决的问题是一样的,只是具体实现的差异。
@Override public final ByteBuf capacity(int newCapacity) { checkNewCapacity(newCapacity); // If the request capacity does not require reallocation, just update the length of the memory. if (chunk.unpooled) { if (newCapacity == length) { return this; } } else { if (newCapacity > length) { if (newCapacity <= maxLength) { length = newCapacity; return this; } } else if (newCapacity < length) { if (newCapacity > maxLength >>> 1) { if (maxLength <= 512) { if (newCapacity > maxLength - 16) { length = newCapacity; setIndex(Math.min(readerIndex(), newCapacity), Math.min(writerIndex(), newCapacity)); return this; } } else { // > 512 (i.e. >= 1024) length = newCapacity; setIndex(Math.min(readerIndex(), newCapacity), Math.min(writerIndex(), newCapacity)); return this; } } } else { return this; } } // Reallocation required. chunk.arena.reallocate(this, newCapacity, true); return this; }
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