tomcat 源码分析之 JIoEndpoint
public final void start() throws Exception { if (bindState == BindState.UNBOUND) { bind(); bindState = BindState.BOUND_ON_START; } startInternal(); }
public void bind() throws Exception { //初始化接受客户端连接线程 if (acceptorThreadCount == 0) { acceptorThreadCount = 1; } // 初始化最大连接 if (getMaxConnections() == 0) { //没有设置最大连接就取线程池的最大线程数 setMaxConnections(getMaxThreadsExecutor(true)); } if (serverSocketFactory == null) { //如果是https的 if (isSSLEnabled()) { serverSocketFactory = handler.getSslImplementation().getServerSocketFactory(this); } else { serverSocketFactory = new DefaultServerSocketFactory(this); } } if (serverSocket == null) { try { if (getAddress() == null) { serverSocket = serverSocketFactory.createSocket(getPort(), getBacklog()); } else { //生成服务端的serviceSocket serverSocket = serverSocketFactory.createSocket(getPort(), getBacklog(), getAddress()); } } catch (BindException orig) { String msg; if (getAddress() == null) msg = orig.getMessage() + " <null>:" + getPort(); else msg = orig.getMessage() + " " + getAddress().toString() + ":" + getPort(); BindException be = new BindException(msg); be.initCause(orig); throw be; } } }
public void startInternal() throws Exception { if (!running) { running = true; paused = false; // Create worker collection if (getExecutor() == null) { createExecutor(); } //初始化存放当前连接的对象 initializeConnectionLatch(); //启动监听获取客户端socket并进行处理 startAcceptorThreads(); //处理超时的连接 Thread timeoutThread = new Thread(new AsyncTimeout(), getName() + "-AsyncTimeout"); timeoutThread.setPriority(threadPriority); timeoutThread.setDaemon(true); timeoutThread.start(); } }
protected final void startAcceptorThreads() { //count为1 int count = getAcceptorThreadCount(); acceptors = new Acceptor[count]; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { acceptors[i] = createAcceptor(); String threadName = getName() + "-Acceptor-" + i; acceptors[i].setThreadName(threadName); Thread t = new Thread(acceptors[i], threadName); t.setPriority(getAcceptorThreadPriority()); t.setDaemon(getDaemon()); t.start(); } }
protected class Acceptor extends AbstractEndpoint.Acceptor { @Override public void run() { int errorDelay = 0; while (running) { while (paused && running) { state = AcceptorState.PAUSED; try { Thread.sleep(50); } catch (InterruptedException e) { } } if (!running) { break; } state = AcceptorState.RUNNING; try { //if we have reached max connections, wait countUpOrAwaitConnection(); Socket socket = null; try { //获取客户端的socket socket = serverSocketFactory.acceptSocket(serverSocket); } catch (IOException ioe) { countDownConnection(); errorDelay = handleExceptionWithDelay(errorDelay); throw ioe; } errorDelay = 0; if (running && !paused && setSocketOptions(socket)) { //处理Socket前求 if (!processSocket(socket)) { countDownConnection(); closeSocket(socket); } } else { countDownConnection(); closeSocket(socket); } } catch (IOException x) { if (running) { log.error(sm.getString(""), x); } } catch (NullPointerException npe) { if (running) { log.error(sm.getString(""), npe); } } catch (Throwable t) { ExceptionUtils.handleThrowable(t); log.error(sm.getString(""), t); } } state = AcceptorState.ENDED; } }
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