
A first example
Let us assume that you are an application developer who has been tasked with diagnosing the cause of
some performance problems in a system. Rather than break out a profiling tool, what we are going to do
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is switch on a simple profiling aspect that will enable us to very quickly get some performance metrics, so
that we can then apply a finer-grained profiling tool to that specific area immediately afterwards.
Here is the profiling aspect. Nothing too fancy, just a quick-and-dirty time-based profiler, using the
@AspectJ-style of aspect declaration.
package foo;
import org.aspectj.lang.ProceedingJoinPoint;
import org.aspectj.lang.annotation.Aspect;
import org.aspectj.lang.annotation.Around;
import org.aspectj.lang.annotation.Pointcut;
import org.springframework.util.StopWatch;
import org.springframework.core.annotation.Order;
public class ProfilingAspect {
public Object profile(ProceedingJoinPoint pjp) throws Throwable {
StopWatch sw = new StopWatch(getClass().getSimpleName());
try {
return pjp.proceed();
} finally {
@Pointcut("execution(public * foo..*.*(..))")
public void methodsToBeProfiled(){}
We will also need to create an 'META-INF/aop.xml' file, to inform the AspectJ weaver that we want to
weave our ProfilingAspect into our classes. This file convention, namely the presence of a file (or
files) on the Java classpath called ' META-INF/aop.xml' is standard AspectJ.

"-//AspectJ//DTD//EN" "http://www.eclipse.org/aspectj/dtd/aspectj.dtd">
<!-- only weave classes in our application-specific packages -->
<include within="foo.*"/>
<!-- weave in just this aspect -->
<aspect name="foo.ProfilingAspect"/>

Now to the Spring-specific portion of the configuration. We need to configure a LoadTimeWeaver (all
explained later, just take it on trust for now). This load-time weaver is the essential component
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responsible for weaving the aspect configuration in one or more 'META-INF/aop.xml' files into the
classes in your application. The good thing is that it does not require a lot of configuration, as can be seen
below (there are some more options that you can specify, but these are detailed later).
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<beans xmlns="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans"
<!-- a service object; we will be profiling its methods -->
<bean id="entitlementCalculationService"
<!-- this switches on the load-time weaving -->
Now that all the required artifacts are in place - the aspect, the 'META-INF/aop.xml' file, and the
Spring configuration -, let us create a simple driver class with a main(..) method to demonstrate the
LTW in action.
package foo;
import org.springframework.context.support.ClassPathXmlApplicationContext;
public final class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
ApplicationContext ctx = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext("beans.xml", Main.class);
EntitlementCalculationService entitlementCalculationService
= (EntitlementCalculationService) ctx.getBean("entitlementCalculationService");
// the profiling aspect is 'woven' around this method execution
There is one last thing to do. The introduction to this section did say that one could switch on LTW
selectively on a per-ClassLoader basis with Spring, and this is true. However, just for this example,
we are going to use a Java agent (supplied with Spring) to switch on the LTW. This is the command line
we will use to run the above Main class:

java -javaagent:C:/projects/foo/lib/global/spring-instrument.jar foo.Main

The '-javaagent' is a Java 5+ flag for specifying and enabling agents to instrument programs running
on the JVM. The Spring Framework ships with such an agent, the InstrumentationSavingAgent,
which is packaged in the spring-instrument.jar that was supplied as the value of the
-javaagent argument in the above example.
