Hive UDF实现一个字符串解码函数
其实hive的udf 是比较容易实现的,只需要继承UDF,实现其evaluate()方法,代码如下。
- @Description(name = "decoder_url", value = "_FUNC_(url [,code][,count]) - decoder a URL from a String for count times using code as encoding scheme ", extended = ""
- + "if count is not given ,the url will be decoderd for 2 time,"
registerUDF("decoder_url", UDFDecoderUrl.class, false);
编译hive ,或者通过配置文件方式,让其读取,以后新加的函数配置到配置文件中一劳永逸。
<description>These JAR file are available to all users for all jobs</description>
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