Oracle 分析函数 over
最近在做一个OA系统的统计模块,里面有个功能需要统计出每天新增的用户和累计新增的用户, 只有一张 用户登录的表(用户登录时间,用户ID,等等),效果图:
<!-- 总用户--> <select id="datalistPage" resultType="UserTotleVo" parameterType="Page"> select daytime,xinzeng,totle from ( select daytime,xinzeng,sum(xinzeng) over(order by daytime) as totle from ( select daytime, count(distinct user_uuid) as xinzeng from( select to_char(to_date(CREATE_TIME,'yyyy-MM-dd hh24:mi:ss'),'yyyy-MM-dd') as daytime , user_uuid from M_LOGGING_INFO ) WHERE 1=1 <if test="pd.lastStart!=null and pd.lastStart!=''"> and daytime >= #{pd.lastStart} </if> <if test="pd.lastEnd!=null and pd.lastEnd!=''"> and daytime <= #{pd.lastEnd} </if> group by daytime order by daytime desc )) order by daytime desc </select>
两点:1,Oracle的分析函数 over
2,时间格式的转换,加个去重,正好可以统计出每天的 用户量
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