linux systemctl
systemctl is-enabled *.service #查询服务是否开机启动
systemctl enable *.service #开机运行服务
systemctl disable *.service #取消开机运行
systemctl start *.service #启动服务
systemctl stop *.service #停止服务
systemctl restart *.service #重启服务
systemctl reload *.service #重新加载服务配置文件
systemctl status *.service #查询服务运行状态
systemctl --failed #显示启动失败的服务
docker centos7.x 运行systemctl命令异常
$ systemctl status firewalld.service
Failed to get D-Bus connection: Operation not permitted
docker run -itd --privileged --name docker-centos centos:latest /usr/sbin/init
$ systemctl start firewalld.service
Failed to start firewalld.service: Unit not found
$ yum install firewalld
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