Linkage Drop Down List And AJAX Validation
This JS script has special meaning for me.
I got a new start one year ago, the first task was to solve this linkage drop down list and data validation. At that time I had no deep understanding of Javascript. With my ability of study, after the reference to the code of colleague's, I finally finished it in several days.
Although I used Prototype.js to code, I still used the method in the to make up Class. In the process of AJAX validation, I used XML as data source at the beginning. Aftet time past, I changed data source from XML to JSON for the low efficiency of XML.
Now the clients have new requirements, they need four data to be validated. So I rebuild the scripts.
1. change images of products with the change of product name and package.
2. after the validation with product name, package, date, batch, change images of products.
Construct class with Prototype.js, use OOP's approach and event management to make a clear idea.
The management of AJAX status let the process be more friendly for customer. I'm also satisfied with the efficiency of JSON.
核心代码 | Core Code:
Linkage Drop Down List And AJAX Validation
This JS script has special meaning for me.
I got a new start one year ago, the first task was to solve this linkage drop down list and data validation. At that time I had no deep understanding of Javascript. With my ability of study, after the reference to the code of colleague's, I finally finished it in several days.
Although I used Prototype.js to code, I still used the method in the to make up Class. In the process of AJAX validation, I used XML as data source at the beginning. Aftet time past, I changed data source from XML to JSON for the low efficiency of XML.
Now the clients have new requirements, they need four data to be validated. So I rebuild the scripts.
1. change images of products with the change of product name and package.
2. after the validation with product name, package, date, batch, change images of products.
Construct class with Prototype.js, use OOP's approach and event management to make a clear idea.
The management of AJAX status let the process be more friendly for customer. I'm also satisfied with the efficiency of JSON.
核心代码 | Core Code:
var ValidProduct = Class.create(); ValidProduct.prototype = { initialize:function(prodData,validDataUrl,validData,prodType,prodPack,prodDate,prodPatch,prodImg,validBtn,validMsg){ this.prodData = $H(prodData); //产品类别数据 | product type data this.validDataUrl = validDataUrl; //验证数据路径 | product data url this.validData = validData; //验证数据 | product data this.prodType = $(prodType); //产品验证类别 | product type this.prodPack = $(prodPack); //产品验证包装 | product package this.prodDate = prodDate; //产品验证日期ID | product date this.prodPatch = prodPatch; //产品验证批次ID | product batch this.prodImg = $(prodImg); //产品验证图片 | product images this.validBtn = $(validBtn); //产品验证按钮 | validate button this.validMsg = $(validMsg); //产品验证过程提示 | validate message this.init(); }, init:function(){//程序初始化 | Application init this.productTypeBind(); this.prodType.observe("change",this.productTypeChange.bind(this)); this.prodPack.observe("change",this.productPackChange.bind(this)); this.validBtn.observe("click",this.productValid.bind(this)); }, productTypeBind:function(){//绑定产品类别下拉列表数据 | Binding product type data this.prodPack.selectedIndex = 0; //for IE after page refreshed var o = this.prodType; this.prodData.each(function(pair){ o.options.add(new Option(pair.key, pair.value.code)); }); }, productTypeChange:function(e){//产品类别下拉列表事件监听 | Eventlistener of product type var o = this.prodPack; o.length = 1; o.selectedIndex = 0; //for IE after packing choosed the first this.prodImg.writeAttribute("src",o[0].id); var selected = this.prodType.selectedIndex; if (selected!=0){ this.productPackBind(this.prodType[selected].text); } }, productPackBind:function(choosedValue){//绑定产品包装下拉列表数据 | Binding product package data var o = this.prodPack; $H(this.prodData.get(choosedValue).type).each(function(pair){ var newOption = new Option(pair.key, pair.value.packing); = pair.value.img; o.options.add(newOption); }); }, productPackChange:function(e){//产品包装下拉列表事件监听 | Eventlistener of product package var o = this.prodPack; this.prodImg.writeAttribute("src",o[o.selectedIndex].id); }, productValid:function(){//产品验证 | validate product var v1 = $F(this.prodDate).strip(), v2 = $F(this.prodPatch).strip(); if(v1!=""&&v2!=""){ if(this.prodPack.selectedIndex != 0){ var validAjax = new Ajax.Request(this.validDataUrl,{ method:"get", parameters:"rnd="+Math.random(), onCreate: function(){; }.bind(this), onComplete:this._validProd.bind(this) }); }else{ alert("请选择产品及包装!"); } }else{ alert("请填好产品生产日期和产品批号!"); } }, _validProd:function(oReq){//产品验证Ajax callback this.validMsg.hide(); var v1 = this.prodType.getValue(), v2 = this.prodPack.getValue(); var v3 = $F(this.prodDate).strip(), v4 = $F(this.prodPatch).strip(); var imgUrl = this.prodPack[this.prodPack.selectedIndex].id; //alert(v1+"n"+v2+"n"+v3+"n"+v4+"n"+imgUrl); var prodBatchs = oreq.responseText.evalJSON()[this.validData]; var result=prodBatchs.any(function(a){ return (v3==a[1] && v4==a[0] && a[2].startsWith(v1) && v2==a[3]); }); if(result){ this.prodImg.writeAttribute("src", imgUrl.split(".")[0] + "-valid.jpg"); }else{ this.prodImg.writeAttribute("src", "images/invalid.jpg"); }; } } document.observe("dom:loaded",function(){ var validOne = new ValidProduct(prodTypeData,"data/batchs_new2.txt","batchs","productType", "productPack","prodate","probatch","credit-img","vaSubmit","ajaxsearch"); });
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