MySQL 5.6锁定用户

MySQL 5.7加入了LOCK ACCOUNT功能和Oracle一样了,但是MySQL 5.6貌似没有,但是可以代替用如下方法设置密码过期。

The mysql.usertable now has a password_expiredcolumn. Its default value is 'N', but

can be set to 'Y'with the new ALTER USER statement. After an account's password has been

expired, all operations performed in subsequent connections to the server using the account result

in an error until the user issues a SET PASSWORDstatement to establish a new account password.

For more information, see Section, “ALTER USERSyntax”, and Section 6.3.6, “Password

Expiration and Sandbox Mode”.


mysql> alter user mytest1@'%' password expire;


set password for mytest1@'%' = '*******';

其实就是MYSQL.USER下面的字段 password_expired 标示了是否过期。
