<?xml version="1.0"?> <!-- Ant Ant build script that demonstrates how to test to see which operating system (computer platform) the Ant build script is currently running on. Currently tests for Mac OS X, Windows, and Unix systems. Created by Alvin Alexander, --> <project default="OS-TEST" name="Ant Operating System Test" > <!-- set the operating system test properties --> <condition property="isMac"> <os family="mac" /> </condition> <condition property="isWindows"> <os family="windows" /> </condition> <condition property="isUnix"> <os family="unix" /> </condition> <!-- define the operating system specific targets --> <target name="doMac" if="isMac"> <echo message="Came into the Mac target" /> <!-- do whatever you want to do here for Mac systems --> </target> <target name="doWindows" if="isWindows"> <echo message="Came into the Windows target" /> </target> <target name="doUnix" if="isUnix"> <echo message="Came into the Unix target" /> </target> <!-- define our main/default target --> <target name="OS-TEST" depends="doMac, doWindows, doUnix"> <echo message="Running OS-TEST target" /> </target> </project>
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