hibernate uuid算法

最近看了一下hibernate的uuid算法,感觉可读性很强的,于是提取出来(jdk uuid的源码看着头疼)

package com.ec.test;

import java.io.Serializable;
import java.net.InetAddress;

public class HibernateUUId {
	private String sep = "-";
	 * @param 通过处理Ip得到的整数值
	private static final int IP;
	static {
		int ipadd;
		try {
			ipadd = toInt( InetAddress.getLocalHost().getAddress() );
		catch (Exception e) {
			ipadd = 0;
		IP = ipadd;
	private static short counter = (short) 0;
	private static final int JVM = (int) ( System.currentTimeMillis() >>> 8 );
	 * 或得该类加载时jvm的时间唯一的(除非加载该类在相同德四分之一秒-几乎不可能)
	 * Unique across JVMs on this machine (unless they load this class
	 * in the same quater second - very unlikely)
	protected int getJVM() {
		return JVM;

	 * Unique in a millisecond for this JVM instance (unless there
	 * are > Short.MAX_VALUE instances created in a millisecond)
	protected short getCount() {
		synchronized(HibernateUUId.class) {
			if (counter<0) counter=0;
			return counter++;

	 * Unique in a local network
	protected int getIP() {
		return IP;

	 * Unique down to millisecond
	protected short getHiTime() {
		return (short) ( System.currentTimeMillis() >>> 32 );
	protected int getLoTime() {
		return (int) System.currentTimeMillis();
	public Serializable generate() {
		return new StringBuffer( 36 )
				.append( format( getIP() ) ).append( sep )
				.append( format( getJVM() ) ).append( sep )
				.append( format( getHiTime() ) ).append( sep )
				.append( format( getLoTime() ) ).append( sep )
				.append( format( getCount() ) )

	protected String format(int intValue) {
		String formatted = Integer.toHexString( intValue );
		StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer( "00000000" );
		buf.replace( 8 - formatted.length(), 8, formatted );
		return buf.toString();

	protected String format(short shortValue) {
		String formatted = Integer.toHexString( shortValue );
		StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer( "0000" );
		buf.replace( 4 - formatted.length(), 4, formatted );
		return buf.toString();
	public static int toInt(byte[] bytes) {
		int result = 0;
		//将result每次乘256 -128+ bytes[i]
		for ( int i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) {
			result = ( result << 8 ) - Byte.MIN_VALUE + (int) bytes[i];
		return result;
	public static void main(String[] args) {
		// TODO Auto-generated method stub
		System.out.println(new HibernateUUId().generate());

