javascript/ jQuery Best Practise
- JS代码的良好的结构
- 理解 JS 的 new 和 prototype
var person = new Object(); person.firstName = "John"; person.lastName = "Deo"; person.sayHi = function(){ return "Hi there"; };
使用Factory Function 创建对象
var createPerson = function(fristName, lastName) { return { firstName: firstName, lastName: lastName, sayHi : function() { return "Hi there"; } }; }; var johnDeo = createPerson("John", "Deo"); var janeDeo = createPerson("Jane", "Deo");
Constructor Functions and the Prototype, 重要的是函数F的 prototype 属性引用的原型对象 oldObject
function F(){}; F.prototype = oldObject; var newObject = new F();深入理解:Javascript基于原型的面向对象
var Twitter = { init: function(){ this.prop = "value"; } }; // only works in modern browsers var twitter = Object.create(Twitter);
- 注意禁用js的情况
- 首先写出一个html的页面,然后再进行添加javascript,因为有些人会禁用js。
- $('html').addClass('js'); 给html标记添加js tag,测试是否能够使用js。.js container 和 container 分别来表示两种情况
- 代码执行顺序
- document ready的两种方法
$(document).ready(function(){ }); $( function(){} ); $() 中间放入function,自动执行document ready
- 避免多次使用查询相同dom元素
var uls = $('ul'); cache it, so jQuery don't have to search it 3 times.
- JS的function, call 和 apply 的区别
- 相同点:call 和 apply 的作用是指定function中的this代表的是那个对象
- 区别: apply第二个参数是数组,call是单独添加的参数
theFunction.apply(valueForThis, arrayOfArgs) ------------, arg1, arg2, ...)
3. sample code
function theFunction(name, profession) { alert("My name is " + name + " and I am a " + profession + "."); } theFunction("John", "fireman"); theFunction.apply(undefined, ["Susan", "school teacher"]);, "Claude", "mathematician");
- Jquery data方法 refer to:
<div data-file= "123" ></div> $(div).data(file)
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