
# coding=utf8# date = 2019/12/23 19:54# 清白丶之年__照林""" # Solve Import Lib Error    Add Some Path To Python Path"""import osimport sysclass PythonPath:    def add_lib_to_path(self, lib_path):        with os.popen(r‘where python‘, ‘r‘) as file:            python_path = str(file.read()).split(r"\python.exe")[0]            print(python_path)            python_path2 = os.path.join(python_path, "Lib", "site-packages", "JustTest.pth")            # python_path2 = python_path+os.sep+ "Lib"+ os.sep+ "site-packages"+ os.sep+"JustTest.pth"            print(python_path2)            file.close()        with open("%s" % python_path2, "w", encoding="utf8") as file2:            file2.write(lib_path)            file2.close()    def add_lib_to_path2(self, Path):        for i in Path:            sys.path.append(i)if __name__ == ‘__main__‘:    pt = PythonPath()    # 下面方法入参为包绝对路径    pt.add_lib_to_path("D:\zk")