Vim基础知识之ctags 及 Taglist 插件

Vim基础知识之ctags 及 Taglist 插件

1. 我的界面

Vim基础知识之ctags 及 Taglist 插件

2. ctags

  • exuberant ctags是一般Linux系统上缺省的ctags
  • 我的ctags版本:Exuberant Ctags 5.9~svn20110310


    • Used in at least 50 countries in all 7 continents (including Antarctica!)
    • Supports 41 programming languages
    • Featured in the book, Learning the vi Editor, a title in the O'Reilly series
    • Covered in the March 2001 issue of C++ Users Journal, "Navigating Linux Source Code"
    • Praised in the Weekend Mechanic column of the June 1997 issue of Linux Gazette
    • Praised in Perl Buzz
    • Freely available under the terms of the GNU General Public License
    • Included in major Linux distributions


sudo apt-get install exuberant-ctags


set tags=tags
set autochdir

3. taglist


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