t = [1, 2, 3] t[1:1] = [7] # 感谢@一往直前 的疑问,之前写为 t[1:1] = 7了 print t # 输出 [1, 7, 2, 3]
在Objects/listobject.c中有一个 PyList_SetSlice 函数,是这么写的:
int PyList_SetSlice(PyObject *a, Py_ssize_t ilow, Py_ssize_t ihigh, PyObject *v) { if (!PyList_Check(a)) { PyErr_BadInternalCall(); return -1; } return list_ass_slice((PyListObject *)a, ilow, ihigh, v); }
有用的一句就是 list_ass_slice ,那么再来看看这个函数的代码:
static int list_ass_slice(PyListObject *a, Py_ssize_t ilow, Py_ssize_t ihigh, PyObject *v) { /* Because [X]DECREF can recursively invoke list operations on this list, we must postpone all [X]DECREF activity until after the list is back in its canonical shape. Therefore we must allocate an additional array, 'recycle', into which we temporarily copy the items that are deleted from the list. :-( */ PyObject *recycle_on_stack[8]; PyObject **recycle = recycle_on_stack; /* will allocate more if needed */ PyObject **item; PyObject **vitem = NULL; PyObject *v_as_SF = NULL; /* PySequence_Fast(v) */ Py_ssize_t n; /* # of elements in replacement list */ Py_ssize_t norig; /* # of elements in list getting replaced */ Py_ssize_t d; /* Change in size */ Py_ssize_t k; size_t s; int result = -1; /* guilty until proved innocent */ #define b ((PyListObject *)v) if (v == NULL) n = 0; else { if (a == b) { /* Special case "a[i:j] = a" -- copy b first */ v = list_slice(b, 0, Py_SIZE(b)); if (v == NULL) return result; result = list_ass_slice(a, ilow, ihigh, v); Py_DECREF(v); return result; } v_as_SF = PySequence_Fast(v, "can only assign an iterable"); if(v_as_SF == NULL) goto Error; /* the5fire注: 要赋值的长度n */ n = PySequence_Fast_GET_SIZE(v_as_SF); vitem = PySequence_Fast_ITEMS(v_as_SF); } if (ilow < 0) ilow = 0; else if (ilow > Py_SIZE(a)) ilow = Py_SIZE(a); if (ihigh < ilow) ihigh = ilow; else if (ihigh > Py_SIZE(a)) ihigh = Py_SIZE(a); norig = ihigh - ilow; assert(norig >= 0); d = n - norig; if (Py_SIZE(a) + d == 0) { Py_XDECREF(v_as_SF); return list_clear(a); } item = a->ob_item; /* recycle the items that we are about to remove */ s = norig * sizeof(PyObject *); if (s > sizeof(recycle_on_stack)) { recycle = (PyObject **)PyMem_MALLOC(s); if (recycle == NULL) { PyErr_NoMemory(); goto Error; } } memcpy(recycle, &item[ilow], s); if (d < 0) { /* Delete -d items */ memmove(&item[ihigh+d], &item[ihigh], (Py_SIZE(a) - ihigh)*sizeof(PyObject *)); list_resize(a, Py_SIZE(a) + d); item = a->ob_item; } else if (d > 0) { /* Insert d items */ k = Py_SIZE(a); if (list_resize(a, k+d) < 0) goto Error; item = a->ob_item; printf("关键点\n"); /* the5fire注: 把list对应切片后一位的值之后的所有内容向后移动所赋值的大小 按照上面的python代码这里就是 原理的t: |1|2|3| 后移一位,因为len([7]) = 1 |1|空|2|3|把后两个移位 */ memmove(&item[ihigh+d], &item[ihigh], (k - ihigh)*sizeof(PyObject *)); } /* the5fire注: 赋值操作,即把[7]赋值到t里的对应位置上 ilow是1, n是1 */ for (k = 0; k < n; k++, ilow++) { PyObject *w = vitem[k]; Py_XINCREF(w); item[ilow] = w; } for (k = norig - 1; k >= 0; --k) Py_XDECREF(recycle[k]); result = 0; Error: if (recycle != recycle_on_stack) PyMem_FREE(recycle); Py_XDECREF(v_as_SF); return result; #undef b }
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