Ruby's predefined (built-in) variables affect the behavior of the entire program, so their use in libraries isn't recommended. The values in most predefined variables can be accessed by alternative means. $!The last exception object raised. The exception object can also be accessed using => in rescue clause. $@The stack backtrace for the last exception raised. The stack backtrace information can retrieved by Exception#backtrace method of the last exception. $/The input record separator (newline by default). gets, readline, etc., take their input record separator as optional argument. $\The output record separator (nil by default). $,The output separator between the arguments to print and Array#join (nil by default). You can specify separator explicitly to Array#join. $;The default separator for split (nil by default). You can specify separator explicitly for String#split. $.The number of the last line read from the current input file. Equivalent to ARGF.lineno. $<Synonym for ARGF. $>Synonym for $defout. $0The name of the current Ruby program being executed. $$The of the current Ruby program being executed. $?The exit status of the last process terminated. $:Synonym for $LOAD_PATH. $DEBUGTrue if the -d or --debug command-line option is specified. $defoutThe destination output for print and printf ($stdout by default). $FThe variable that receives the output from split when -a is specified. This variable is set if the -a command-line option is specified along with the -p or -n option. $FILENAMEThe name of the file currently being read from ARGF. Equivalent to ARGF.filename. $LOAD_PATHAn array holding the directories to be searched when loading files with the load and require methods. $SAFEThe security level. See |