pycharm 2017.3 icons reference
Icon | Description |
Python script | |
Method | |
Function | |
Field | |
Variable | |
Property | |
Parameter | |
Element | |
Directory | |
Package | |
Source root | |
Excluded root | |
Template roots | |
Visibility modifiers | |
private | |
protected | |
public | |
The lock decorator in the upper-left part of a symbol marks a symbol whose name begins with one or more underscores. Such names are considered pseudo-private and are specially treated by an interpreter to restrict their visibility scope. | |
The blue bubble in the upper-left part of a symbol marks a symbol whose name begins and ends with two underscores, and isspecially treated by an interpreter and standard library. |
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aSuncat 2018-03-24
<div class="panel-body" style="height: 300px; width: 100%; overflow: auto;" data-platform-scroll="&q
道北吴彦祖 2017-01-15
乔乔 2016-07-20
goodyatou 2016-03-27
<link rel="apple-touch-icon-precomposed" sizes="114x114" href="icons/apple-touch-icon-114x114-precom
道北吴彦祖 2015-09-29
Pig00 2019-06-27