pycharm 2017.3 icons reference


pycharm 2017.3 icons referencePython script
pycharm 2017.3 icons referenceMethod
pycharm 2017.3 icons referenceFunction
pycharm 2017.3 icons referenceField
pycharm 2017.3 icons referenceVariable
pycharm 2017.3 icons referenceProperty
pycharm 2017.3 icons referenceParameter
pycharm 2017.3 icons referenceElement
pycharm 2017.3 icons referenceDirectory
pycharm 2017.3 icons referencePackage
pycharm 2017.3 icons referenceSource root
pycharm 2017.3 icons referenceExcluded root
pycharm 2017.3 icons referenceTemplate roots
Visibility modifiers
pycharm 2017.3 icons referenceprivate
pycharm 2017.3 icons referenceprotected
pycharm 2017.3 icons referencepublic
pycharm 2017.3 icons referenceThe lock decorator in the upper-left part of a symbol marks a symbol whose name begins with one or more underscores. Such names are considered pseudo-private and are specially treated by an interpreter to restrict their visibility scope.
pycharm 2017.3 icons referenceThe blue bubble in the upper-left part of a symbol marks a symbol whose name begins and ends with two underscores, and isspecially treated by an interpreter and standard library.
