jsTree树控件(基于jQuery, 超强悍)[推荐]
beforechange:function(){ log("About to change");return true}, beforeopen :function(){ log("About to open");return true}, beforeclose :function(){ log("About to close");return true}, beforemove :function(){ log("About to move");return true}, beforecreate:function(){ log("About to create");return true}, beforerename:function(){ log("About to rename");return true}, beforedelete:function(){ log("About to delete");return true}, onselect :function(){ log("Select");}, ondeselect :function(){ log("Deselect");}, onchange :function(){ log("Focus changed");}, onrename :function(){ log("Rename");}, onmove :function(){ log("Move");}, oncopy :function(){ log("Copy");}, oncreate :function(){ log("Create");}, ondelete :function(){ log("Delete");}, onopen :function(){ log("Open");}, onopen_all :function(){ log("Open ALL");}, onclose :function(){ log("Close");}, error :function(){}, ondblclk :function(){ log("Doubleclick"); TREE_OBJ.toggle_branch.call(TREE_OBJ, NODE); TREE_OBJ.select_branch.call(TREE_OBJ, NODE);}, onrgtclk :function(){ log("Rightclick");}, onload :function(){ log("Tree loaded");}, onfocus :function(){ log("Tree got focus");}, ondrop :function(){ log("Foreign node dropped");}
jsTree is a javascript based, cross browser tree component. It uses jQuery and Sarissa (optionally). jsTree is absolutely free (licensed same as jQuery - under both GPL and MIT - whichever suits your needs).
Currently supported browsers are: Internet Explorer 6 +, Mozilla Firefox, Safari 3, Opera 9+, Google Chrome. The latter three are not thoroughly tested. jsTree may also work with other browsers - please drop me a note if you performed some tests.
Key features
- Data sources:
- predefined HTML - convert nested lists into a tree on the fly
- JSON - provide a json object
- XML - provide a nested structure or a flat (id -> parent_id) one
- Async loading - just provide an URL and the tree will request data as needed (works for XML & JSON sources)
- Open, close, rename, create, delete nodes (all with definable rules)
- Various callbacks (onchange, oncreate, ondelete, onload, etc …)
- Drag & drop support (definable with rules)
- Multiple select
- Localization - maintain the same tree in as many languages as you like
- Right-to-left support (supported in both supplied themes)
- Theme support (change icons, sizes, backgrounds, etc …)
- Animated open & close (configurable)
- Optional keyboard navigation
- multitree support - move/copy nodes form to tree to tree (definable with rules)
- also works as a jQuery plugin