在处理项目时,用Java Connector for EOS区块链编写:
- 创建钱包
- 创建帐户
- 创建交易
- 创建签名交易
- 在帐户之间转移代币
- nodeos(node + eos = nodeos) ,可以使用插件配置以运行节点的核心EOSIO节点守护程序。示例用法是块生产,专用API端点和本地开发。
- cleos(cli + eos = cleos) ,命令行界面,用于与区块链交互并管理钱包。
- keosd(key + eos = keosd) ,将EOSIO密钥安全存储在钱包中的组件。
- eosio-cpp(eosio.cdt的一部分) ,它将C ++代码编译为WASM并可以生成ABI(CDT是合约开发工具链)。
- nodeos:1.5.0
- cleos:1.5.0
- keosd:1.5.0
- eosio.cdt:1.4.1
- eosio.contracts:1.4.0
- 1.使用Docker,快速简便。
- 2.使用二进制文件,它也行。
You create 2 containers. One for 'nodeos' and another for 'keosd' #Pull latest docker image of EOS docker pull eosio/eos-dev #Create local network docker network create eosdev #Start nodeos(Core Daemon) docker run --name nodeos -d -p 8888:8888 --network eosdev -v /tmp/eosio/work:/work \ -v /tmp/eosio/data:/mnt/dev/data -v /tmp/eosio/config:/mnt/dev/config eosio/eos-dev \ /bin/bash -c "nodeos -e -p eosio --plugin eosio::producer_plugin \ --plugin eosio::history_plugin --plugin eosio::chain_api_plugin \ --plugin eosio::history_api_plugin --plugin eosio::http_plugin \ -d /mnt/dev/data --config-dir /mnt/dev/config --http-server-address= \ --access-control-allow-origin=* --contracts-console --http-validate-host=false" ###### NOTES about above Command - Creating a docker container running 'nodeos' daemon - Exposing port 8888 so that you can access the 'nodeos' using RPC and HTTP - Mounting few directories on your local machine so that you don't have to login into container - Few plugins which will allow this node to become a producer, expose rpc api over http, exposing command line interface to run 'nodeos' commands #Run keosd(Wallet and Keystore) docker run -d --name keosd --network=eosdev -i eosio/eos-dev /bin/bash \ -c "keosd --http-server-address=" #Check installation docker logs --tail 10 nodeos and you will see something like: info 2018-12-04T15:01:22.003 thread-0 producer_plugin.cpp:1494 produce_block ] Produced block 00005ce7fabcbcf8... #23783 @ 2018-12-04T15:01:22.000 signed by eosio [trxs: 0, lib: 23782, confirmed: 0] info 2018-12-04T15:01:22.507 thread-0 producer_plugin.cpp:1494 produce_block ] Produced block 00005ce84867bcbf... #23784 @ 2018-12-04T15:01:22.500 signed by eosio [trxs: 0, lib: 23783, confirmed: 0] info 2018-12-04T15:01:23.005 thread-0 producer_plugin.cpp:1494 produce_block ] Produced block 00005ce936ca4869... #23785 @ 2018-12-04T15:01:23.000 signed by eosio [trxs: 0, lib: 23784, confirmed: 0] i #Check Wallets (Open bash for keosd) docker exec -it keosd bash and once in the container, on bash, execute this: cleos --wallet-url wallet list keys Should show empty wallets: Wallets: [] #Check 'nodeos' end points - run this out side containers curl http://localhost:8888/v1/chain/get_info { "server_version":"549c96cd", "chain_id":"cf057bbfb72640471fd910bcb67639c22df9f92470936cddc1ade0e2f2e7dc4f", "head_block_num":24182, "last_irreversible_block_num":24181, "last_irreversible_block_id":"00005e751a1e31b15acd25ffc8725cb2c67926647edb89e726e386716afdef5d", "head_block_id":"00005e76fd035dbf694d2a575bb1849f436428b466fd95323e43619b73bf7b9d", "head_block_time":"2018-12-04T15:04:41.500", "head_block_producer":"eosio", "virtual_block_cpu_limit":200000000, "virtual_block_net_limit":1048576000, "block_cpu_limit":199900, "block_net_limit":1048576, "server_version_string":"v1.5.0-rc2" } #Alias cleos so that you can access it by simply 'cleos' docker network inspect eosdev check for keosd IP address in the response of above command and execute the following: alias cleos='docker exec -it nodeos /opt/eosio/bin/cleos --url --wallet-url'
使用二进制文件安装 - MAC指令
#Step 1: Install binaries brew tap eosio/eosio brew install eosio #Step 2: Setup a development directory, stick to it. mkdir contracts cd contracts #Step 3: Install CDT. The EOSIO Contract Development Toolkit, CDT for short brew tap eosio/eosio.cdt brew install eosio.cdt #Boot Node and Wallet #Start keosd: keosd & #Start nodeos: nodeos -e -p eosio \ --plugin eosio::producer_plugin --plugin eosio::chain_api_plugin --plugin eosio::http_plugin --plugin eosio::history_plugin --plugin eosio::history_api_plugin \ -d /Users/vijay/eos_blockchain/contracts/eosio/data \ --config-dir /Users/vijay/eos_blockchain/contracts/eosio/config \ '--access-control-allow-origin=*' --contracts-console --http-validate-host=false '--filter-on=*' >> nodeos.log 2>&1 & #Check installation (in current directory) tail -f nodeos.log #Check the wallet cleos wallet list #Check nodeos endpoints curl http://localhost:8888/v1/chain/get_info
- 创建一个新钱包。
- 创建新密钥(私人+公共)。
- 将这些钥匙导入钱包。
- 建立新帐户。
#List existing wallets. Wallet stores keys cleos wallet list #List wallet keys if any cleos wallet list key #you should see all empty response #create wallet now cleos wallet create Creating wallet: default "PW5JYR5u7WTk6RaJARE41qb3Wy6BJtcKCjpDAyjR2uV3CWF8nDFe7" this will create wallet with name 'default'. Keep note of password it returns. #Create new keys cleos create key --to-console Private key: 5JseP8pEsJfAEWix5U6ow77TrKu2uuBhjfobyzgYyCYAtnxnCk8 Public key: EOS4tmc8ufENZNkFQaj8ZfV9UfeRLnyaCecybSgPS1U8671BNdSxD #Import the private keys in wallet cleos wallet import -n quant --private-key 5JseP8pEsJfAEWix5U6ow77TrKu2uuBhjfobyzgYyCYAtnxnCk8 #### MOST IMPORTANT STEP #### Import genesis 'eosio' account keys in the wallet so that eosio account is available for creating new accounts. Private key of eosio: 5KQwrPbwdL6PhXujxW37FSSQZ1JiwsST4cqQzDeyXtP79zkvFD3
- 部署token合约,以便区块链准备好创建新的token。
- 创建新token。
- 将新token分配给创世帐户(eosio)。
- 在用户之间转移token。
- 检查余额等。
#Deploy Token Contacts create an account first with the name 'eosio.token' for the contract cleos create account <owner> <newaccountname> <pubkey1> <pubkey2> cleos create account eosio eosio.token EOS5ySgzeHp9G7TqNDGpyzaCtahAeRcTvPRPJbFey5CmySL3vKYgE EOS5ySgzeHp9G7TqNDGpyzaCtahAeRcTvPRPJbFey5CmySL3vKYgE you would see something like this: executed transaction: 4a8b53ae6fa5e22ded33b50079e45550e39f3cb72ffa628e771ea21758844039 200 bytes 339 us # eosio <= eosio::newaccount {"creator":"eosio","name":"eosio.token","owner":{"threshold":1,"keys":[{"key":"EOS5ySgzeHp9G7TqNDGpy... Deploy contract now: cleos set contract eosio.token <path-to-contracts-directory>/contracts/eosio.token -p eosio.token you would see something like this: Reading WAST/WASM from /opt/eosio/bin/data-dir/contracts/eosio.token/eosio.token.wasm... Using already assembled WASM... Publishing contract... executed transaction: 41677b5fd5c701ca67a153abb09f79c04085cc51a9d021436e7ee5afda1781bd 8048 bytes 1212 us # eosio <= eosio::setcode {"account":"eosio.token","vmtype":0,"vmversion":0,"code":"0061736d01000000017f1560037f7e7f0060057f7e... # eosio <= eosio::setabi {"account":"eosio.token","abi":"0e656f73696f3a3a6162692f312e30010c6163636f756e745f6e616d65046e616d65... #Create new Token cleos push action eosio.token create '["eosio", "10000000000.0000 EOS",0,0,0]' -p eosio.token you would see like this: executed transaction: 566693cba0b0d5d11d85e40cdfb095d525612c5915e17ce75d309054e1912235 120 bytes 552 us # eosio.token <= eosio.token::create {"issuer":"eosio","maximum_supply":"10000000000.0000 EOS"} #Send newly created Tokens (EOS) to genesis account (eosio) cleos push action eosio.token issue '["eosio","1000000000.0000 EOS", "issue"]' -p eosio you would see something like this: executed transaction: 73f72879d220c720fcefb16b6aaf3db0ba492bd62020853b2cd5051557d5fa87 128 bytes 677 us # eosio.token <= eosio.token::issue {"to":"eosio","quantity":"1000000000.0000 EOS","memo":"issue"} #Check above transactions if they are completed cleos get transaction 73f72879d220c720fcefb16b6aaf3db0ba492bd62020853b2cd5051557d5fa87 and cleos get transaction 566693cba0b0d5d11d85e40cdfb095d525612c5915e17ce75d309054e1912235 you should have long JSON response. It simply means above steps are successful. #Check balance now of eosio account cleos get currency balance eosio.token eosio you would see: 1000000000.0000 EOS
帐户有很多EOS token,他现在可以轻松地将资金发送到其他帐户。
#Create a new account cleos create account eosio user1 <public_key_of_user1> <public_key_of_user1> #Check if account is created. You should have json response cleos get account user1 #Send money to user1 account cleos transfer eosio user1 "1000.00 EOS" #Check the balance of user1 cleos get currency balance eosio.token vijay1
- EOS入门教程,本课程帮助你快速入门EOS区块链去中心化应用的开发,内容涵盖EOS工具链、账户与钱包、发行代币、智能合约开发与部署、使用代码与智能合约交互等核心知识点,最后综合运用各知识点完成一个便签DApp的开发。
- 深入浅出玩转EOS钱包开发,本课程以手机EOS钱包的完整开发过程为主线,深入学习EOS区块链应用开发,课程内容即涵盖账户、计算资源、智能合约、动作与交易等EOS区块链的核心概念,同时也讲解如何使用eosjs和eosjs-ecc开发包访问EOS区块链,以及如何在React前端应用中集成对EOS区块链的支持。课程内容深入浅出,非常适合前端工程师深入学习EOS区块链应用开发。
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