
1. 翻转图片以及关键点.
def flip_img_and_keypoints(img: np.ndarray, kpts: Sequence[Sequence[int]]): img = np.fliplr(img) h, w, *_ = img.shape kpts = [(y, w - x) for y, x in kpts] return img, kpts
image = np.ones((10, 10), dtype=np.float32) kpts = [(0, 1), (2, 2)] image_flipped, kpts_flipped = flip_img_and_keypoints(image, kpts) img1 = image.copy() for y, x in kpts: img1[y, x] = 0 img2 = image_flipped.copy() for y, x in kpts_flipped: img2[y, x] = 0 _ = plt.imshow(np.hstack((img1, img2)))

image = np.ones((10, 10), dtype=np.float32)
def flip_img_and_keypoints(img: np.ndarray, kpts: Sequence[Sequence[int]]): img = np.fliplr(img) h, w, *_ = img.shape kpts = [(y, w - x - 1) for y, x in kpts] return img, kpts
我们通过可视化发现了这个问题,但是,使用“x = 0”点进行单元测试也会有所帮助。一个有趣的事实是:有一个团队中有三个人(包括我自己)独立地犯了几乎相同的错误。
2. 继续是关键点相关的问题

kpts = [ (20, 20), # left pinky (20, 200), # right pinky ... ]

- 在应用增强或其他花哨的功能之前,了解并考虑数据结构和语义
- 保持你的实验原子性:添加一个小的变化(例如一个新的变换),检查它如何进行,如果分数提高才加进去。
3. 编写自己的损失函数
def iou_continuous_loss(y_pred, y_true): eps = 1e-6 def _sum(x): return x.sum(-1).sum(-1) numerator = (_sum(y_true * y_pred) + eps) denominator = (_sum(y_true ** 2) + _sum(y_pred ** 2) - _sum(y_true * y_pred) + eps) return (numerator / denominator).mean()
In [3]: ones = np.ones((1, 3, 10, 10)) ...: x1 = iou_continuous_loss(ones * 0.01, ones) ...: x2 = iou_continuous_loss(ones * 0.99, ones) In [4]: x1, x2 Out[4]: (0.010099999897990103, 0.9998990001020204)
在 x1中,我们计算了一些与ground truth完全不同的东西的损失,而 x2则是非常接近ground truth的东西的结果。我们预计 x1会很大,因为预测是错误的, x2应该接近于零。怎么了?
def iou_continuous(y_pred, y_true): eps = 1e-6 def _sum(x): return x.sum(-1).sum(-1) numerator = (_sum(y_true * y_pred) + eps) denominator = (_sum(y_true ** 2) + _sum(y_pred ** 2) - _sum(y_true * y_pred) + eps) return (numerator / denominator).mean() def iou_continuous_loss(y_pred, y_true): return 1 - iou_continuous(y_pred, y_true)
- 编写一个单元测试,检查损失的方向:形式化的期望,更接近ground truth应该输出更低的损失。
- 运行一个健全的检查,让你的模型在单个batch中过拟合。
4. 当我们使用Pytorch的时候
from ceevee.base import AbstractPredictor class MySuperPredictor(AbstractPredictor): def __init__(self, weights_path: str, ): super().__init__() self.model = self._load_model(weights_path=weights_path) def process(self, x, *kw): with torch.no_grad(): res = self.model(x) return res @staticmethod def _load_model(weights_path): model = ModelClass() weights = torch.load(weights_path, map_location='cpu') model.load_state_dict(weights) return model
这个代码正确吗?也许!这确实适用于某些模型。例如,当模型没有dropout或norm层,如 torch.nn.BatchNorm2d。或者当模型需要为每个图像使用实际的norm统计量时(例如,许多基于pix2pix的架构需要它)。
如果试图将动态PyTorch图转换为静态PyTorch图,这个问题很容易识别。 torch.jit用于这种转换。
In [3]: model = nn.Sequential( ...: nn.Linear(10, 10), ...: nn.Dropout(.5) ...: ) ...: ...: traced_model = torch.jit.trace(model, torch.rand(10)) /Users/Arseny/.pyenv/versions/3.6.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/torch/jit/__init__.py:914: TracerWarning: Trace had nondeterministic nodes. Did you forget call .eval() on your model? Nodes: %12 : Float(10) = aten::dropout(%input, %10, %11), scope: Sequential/Dropout[1] # /Users/Arseny/.pyenv/versions/3.6.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/torch/nn/functional.py:806:0 This may cause errors in trace checking. To disable trace checking, pass check_trace=False to torch.jit.trace() check_tolerance, _force_outplace, True, _module_class) /Users/Arseny/.pyenv/versions/3.6.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/torch/jit/__init__.py:914: TracerWarning: Output nr 1. of the traced function does not match the corresponding output of the Python function. Detailed error: Not within tolerance rtol=1e-05 atol=1e-05 at input[5] (0.0 vs. 0.5454154014587402) and 5 other locations (60.00%) check_tolerance, _force_outplace, True, _module_class)
In [4]: model = nn.Sequential( ...: nn.Linear(10, 10), ...: nn.Dropout(.5) ...: ) ...: ...: traced_model = torch.jit.trace(model.eval(), torch.rand(10)) # No more warnings!
在这种情况下, torch.jit.trace将模型运行几次并比较结果。这里的差别是可疑的。
然而 torch.jit.trace在这里不是万能药。这是一种应该知道和记住的细微差别。
5. 复制粘贴的问题
def make_dataloaders(train_cfg, val_cfg, batch_size): train = Dataset.from_config(train_cfg) val = Dataset.from_config(val_cfg) shared_params = {'batch_size': batch_size, 'shuffle': True, 'num_workers': cpu_count()} train = DataLoader(train, **shared_params) val = DataLoader(train, **shared_params) return train, val
# https://github.com/albu/albumentations/blob/0.3.0/albumentations/augmentations/transforms.py def apply_to_keypoint(self, keypoint, crop_height=0, crop_width=0, h_start=0, w_start=0, rows=0, cols=0, **params): keypoint = F.keypoint_random_crop(keypoint, crop_height, crop_width, h_start, w_start, rows, cols) scale_x = self.width / crop_height scale_y = self.height / crop_height keypoint = F.keypoint_scale(keypoint, scale_x, scale_y) return keypoint
datasets = [] data_a = get_dataset(MyDataset(config['dataset_a']), config['shared_param'], param_a) datasets.append(data_a) data_b = get_dataset(MyDataset(config['dataset_b']), config['shared_param'], param_b) datasets.append(data_b)
datasets = [] for name, param in zip(('dataset_a', 'dataset_b'), (param_a, param_b), ): datasets.append(get_dataset(MyDataset(config[name]), config['shared_param'], param))
6. 合适的数据类型
def add_noise(img: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: mask = np.random.rand(*img.shape) + .5 img = img.astype('float32') * mask return img.astype('uint8')

这里有一个危险的操作:将 float32 转换为 uint8。它可能会导致溢出:
def add_noise(img: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: mask = np.random.rand(*img.shape) + .5 img = img.astype('float32') * mask return np.clip(img, 0, 255).astype('uint8') img = add_noise(cv2.imread('two_hands.jpg')[:, :, ::-1]) _ = plt.imshow(img)

顺便说一句,还有一种方法可以避免这个问题:不要重新发明轮子,不要从头开始编写增强代码并使用现有的扩展: albumentations.augmentations.transforms.GaussNoise。
raw_mask = cv2.imread('mask_small.png') mask = raw_mask.astype('float32') / 255 mask = cv2.resize(mask, (64, 64), interpolation=cv2.INTER_LINEAR) mask = cv2.resize(mask, (128, 128), interpolation=cv2.INTER_CUBIC) mask = (mask * 255).astype('uint8') _ = plt.imshow(np.hstack((raw_mask, mask)))
这里出了什么问题?首先,用三次插值调整掩模的大小是一个坏主意。同样的问题 float32到 uint8:三次插值可以输出值大于输入,这会导致溢出。

7. 拼写错误
from tqdm import tqdm class GridPredictor: """ This class can be used to predict a segmentation mask for the big image when you have GPU memory limitation """ def __init__(self, predictor: AbstractPredictor, size: int, stride: Optional[int] = None): self.predictor = predictor self.size = size self.stride = stride if stride is not None else size // 2 def __call__(self, x: np.ndarray): h, w, _ = x.shape mask = np.zeros((h, w, 1), dtype='float32') weights = mask.copy() for i in tqdm(range(0, h - 1, self.stride)): for j in range(0, w - 1, self.stride): a, b, c, d = i, min(h, i + self.size), j, min(w, j + self.size) patch = x[a:b, c:d, :] mask[a:b, c:d, :] += np.expand_dims(self.predictor(patch), -1) weights[a:b, c:d, :] = 1 return mask / weights
class Model(nn.Module): def forward(self, x): return x.mean(axis=-1) model = Model() grid_predictor = GridPredictor(model, size=128, stride=64) simple_pred = np.expand_dims(model(img), -1) grid_pred = grid_predictor(img) np.testing.assert_allclose(simple_pred, grid_pred, atol=.001) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- AssertionError Traceback (most recent call last) <ipython-input-24-a72034c717e9> in <module> 9 grid_pred = grid_predictor(img) 10 ---> 11 np.testing.assert_allclose(simple_pred, grid_pred, atol=.001) ~/.pyenv/versions/3.6.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/numpy/testing/_private/utils.py in assert_allclose(actual, desired, rtol, atol, equal_nan, err_msg, verbose) 1513 header = 'Not equal to tolerance rtol=%g, atol=%g' % (rtol, atol) 1514 assert_array_compare(compare, actual, desired, err_msg=str(err_msg), -> 1515 verbose=verbose, header=header, equal_nan=equal_nan) 1516 1517 ~/.pyenv/versions/3.6.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/numpy/testing/_private/utils.py in assert_array_compare(comparison, x, y, err_msg, verbose, header, precision, equal_nan, equal_inf) 839 verbose=verbose, header=header, 840 names=('x', 'y'), precision=precision) --> 841 raise AssertionError(msg) 842 except ValueError: 843 import traceback AssertionError: Not equal to tolerance rtol=1e-07, atol=0.001 Mismatch: 99.6% Max absolute difference: 765. Max relative difference: 0.75000001 x: array([[[215.333333], [192.666667], [250. ],... y: array([[[ 215.33333], [ 192.66667], [ 250. ],...
下面是 __call__方法的正确版本:
def __call__(self, x: np.ndarray): h, w, _ = x.shape mask = np.zeros((h, w, 1), dtype='float32') weights = mask.copy() for i in tqdm(range(0, h - 1, self.stride)): for j in range(0, w - 1, self.stride): a, b, c, d = i, min(h, i + self.size), j, min(w, j + self.size) patch = x[a:b, c:d, :] mask[a:b, c:d, :] += np.expand_dims(self.predictor(patch), -1) weights[a:b, c:d, :] += 1 return mask / weights
如果你仍然不知道问题出在哪里,请注意 weights[a:b,c:d,:]+=1这一行。
8. Imagenet归一化
from albumentations import Normalize norm = Normalize() img = cv2.imread('img_small.jpg') mask = cv2.imread('mask_small.png', cv2.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE) mask = np.expand_dims(mask, -1) # shape (64, 64) -> shape (64, 64, 1) normed = norm(image=img, mask=mask) img, mask = [normed[x] for x in ['image', 'mask']] def img_to_batch(x): x = np.transpose(x, (2, 0, 1)).astype('float32') return torch.from_numpy(np.expand_dims(x, 0)) img, mask = map(img_to_batch, (img, mask)) criterion = F.binary_cross_entropy
model_a = UNet(3, 1) optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(model_a.parameters(), lr=1e-3) losses = [] for t in tqdm(range(20)): loss = criterion(model_a(img), mask) losses.append(loss.item()) optimizer.zero_grad() loss.backward() optimizer.step() _ = plt.plot(losses)

归一化处理图像效果很好,但是mask没有:需要手动缩放到 [0,1]。
model_b = UNet(3, 1) optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(model_b.parameters(), lr=1e-3) losses = [] for t in tqdm(range(20)): loss = criterion(model_b(img), mask / 255.) losses.append(loss.item()) optimizer.zero_grad() loss.backward() optimizer.step() _ = plt.plot(losses)