<body> <input id="ss" type="button" value="start/stop"/> <div id="container" style="border:1px solid; cursor:none; width:480px; height:320px;"> <canvas id="canvas" width="480" height="320" > </canvas> </div> </body>
//Variables to handle game parameters var gameloopId; var speed=2; var horizontalSpeed = speed; var verticalSpeed = speed; var bearX=100; var bearY=100; var screenWidth; var screenHeight var gameRunning = false; var mushroomX; var mushroomY; var ctx; //Create images var mushroomImg = new Image(); var backgroundForestImg = new Image(); var bearEyesOpenImg = new Image(); var bearEyesClosedImg = new Image(); //Create and load sounds var boing1 = new Audio("sounds/boing_1.mp3"); var boing2 = new Audio("sounds/boing_2.mp3"); var boing3 = new Audio("sounds/boing_3.mp3"); var boing4 = new Audio("sounds/boing_4.mp3"); var boing5 = new Audio("sounds/boing_5.mp3"); var awwwww = new Audio("sounds/crowdgroan.mp3"); //Wait for DOM to load and init game $(document).ready(function(){ init(); }); function init(){ initSettings(); loadImages(); //add event handler to surrounding DIV to monitor mouse move and update mushroom's x position $("#container").mousemove(function(e){ mushroomX = e.pageX; }); //add event handler for clicking on start/stop button and toggle the game play $("#ss").click(function (){ toggleGameplay(); }); } function initSettings() { //Get a handle to the 2d context of the canvas ctx = document.getElementById('canvas').getContext('2d'); //Calulate screen height and width screenWidth = parseInt($("#canvas").attr("width")); screenHeight = parseInt($("#canvas").attr("height")); //center mushroom on the horizontal axis mushroomX = parseInt(screenWidth/2); mushroomY = screenHeight - 40; } //load all images for game function loadImages() { mushroomImg.src = "images/mushroom.png"; backgroundForestImg.src = "images/forest1.jpg"; bearEyesOpenImg.src = "images/bear_eyesopen.png"; bearEyesClosedImg.src = "images/bear_eyesclosed.png"; } //Main game loop, it all happens here! function gameLoop(){ //Clear the screen (i.e. a draw a clear rectangle the size of the screen) ctx.clearRect(0, 0, screenWidth, screenHeight); ctx.save(); //Move the bear in the current direction bearX+= horizontalSpeed; bearY += verticalSpeed; //Draw the backgrounf forest ctx.drawImage(backgroundForestImg, 0, 0); //Draw the mushroom ctx.drawImage(mushroomImg, mushroomX, mushroomY); //Draw the bear (if he's going down open eyes!) if(verticalSpeed>0) { ctx.drawImage(bearEyesOpenImg, bearX, bearY); } else { ctx.drawImage(bearEyesClosedImg, bearX, bearY); } ctx.restore(); //Has the bear reached the far right hand side? if(bearX>screenWidth - bearEyesOpenImg.width) { //bouncing off the right hand side so play boing and reverse horizontal speed boing2.play(); horizontalSpeed =-speed; } //Has bear reached the far left hand side? if(bearX<0) { //bouncing off the left hand side so play boing and reverse horizontal speed boing3.play(); horizontalSpeed = speed; } //Has bear hit the bottom of the screen - Ouch! if(bearY>screenHeight - bearEyesOpenImg.height) { //Bouncing off bottom, so play boing and reverse vertical speed awwwww.play(); verticalSpeed = -speed; toggleGameplay(); } //Has bear hit to the top of the screen if(bearY<0) { //Bouncing off top, so play boing and reverse vertical speed boing4.play(); verticalSpeed = speed; } //Has bear hit mushroom if((bearX>mushroomX && bearX< (mushroomX + mushroomImg.width)) && (bearY>(screenHeight - 80))) { boing1.play(); verticalSpeed = -speed; } } //Start/stop the game loop (and more importantly that annoying boinging!) function toggleGameplay() { gameRunning = !gameRunning; if(gameRunning) { clearInterval(gameloopId); gameloopId = setInterval(gameLoop, 10); } else { clearInterval(gameloopId); } }
表格的现在还是较为常用的一种标签,但不是用来布局,常见处理、显示表格式数据。在HTML网页中,要想创建表格,就需要使用表格相关的标签。<table> <tr> <td>单元格内的文字</td> ...