1. 步骤:
@ECHO OFF powershell.exe -command "ls ‘folder_path\*.dll‘ | foreach-object { $_.LastWriteTime = Get-Date; $_.CreationTime = Get-Date; $_.LastAccessTime = Get-Date;}" PAUSE
2. 解释:
-command: tells powershell to run the following command and return immediately
ls: list all matching files at the path specified
foreach-object: run the following block on each file that ls found
$_.LastWriteTime = Get-Date: for each file, set the LastWriteTime to the value returned by Get-Date (today’s date and time)
$_.CreationTime = Get-Date: for each file, set the CreationTime to the value returned by Get-Date (today’s date and time)
3. 修改至指定时间:
将$_.LastWriteTime = Get-Date:改为$_.LastWriteTime = ‘01/11/2004 22:13:36‘:
@ECHO OFF powershell.exe -command "ls ‘folder_path\*.*‘ | foreach-object { $_.LastWriteTime = ‘01/11/2004 22:13:36‘; $_.CreationTime = ‘01/11/2004 22:13:36‘ }" PAUSE
4. 递归文件夹中所有文件:
@ECHO OFF powershell.exe -command "Get-Childitem -path ‘E:\project_llj\install\test\‘ -Recurse | foreach-object { $_.LastWriteTime = Get-Date; $_.CreationTime = Get-Date }" PAUSE
参考:StackOverflow Question:Update file or folder Date Modified