#!/usr/bin/perl my %scyjm; open (CONTACT,"f:\\perl\\f.txt")||die("can not open the file!"); while (<CONTACT>) { next if /^#/;#if($_=~/^#/的简写 chomp; my @information =split;# my @information=split/\s+/,$_;的简写 next if(($information[1]=~/\./) && ($information[2]=~/\./)); $scyjm{$information[13]}->{$information[0]}=$information[3]; } close CONTACT; open (SC,"f:\\perl\\a.csv")||die("can not open the file!"); while(<SC>) { chomp; my @sc=split; if ( $scyjm{$sc[1]}{$sc[2]}) { print "$sc[0] $sc[1] $sc[2] $sc[3] $sc[4] $sc[6] $yjm[6]\n"; } }
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