- 1-创建表
-- 内部表 create table aa(col1 string,col2 int) partitioned by(statdate int) ROW FORMAT DELIMITED FIELDS TERMINATED BY ‘\t‘; -- 外部表 create external table bb(col1 string, col2 int) partitioned by(statdate int) ROW FORMAT DELIMITED FIELDS TERMINATED BY ‘\t‘ location ‘/user/‘;
- 2-查看创建表语句
show create table tablename;
- 3-导入表数据
本地数据:load data local inpath ‘ /home/‘ into table aa partition(statdate=20170403) hdfs上数据:load data inpath ‘/user/‘ into table bb partition(statdate=20170403)
- 4-修改表属性
alter table aa set tblproperties (‘EXTERNAL‘=‘TRUE‘) alter table bb set tblproperties (‘EXTERNAL‘=‘FALSE‘)
- 5-修改列
修改列名和列数据类型:alter table aa change col2 name string ; 修改位置放置第一位:alter table aa change col2 name string first; 修改位置指定某一列后面:alter table aa change col1 dept string after name;
- 6-添加列(慎用)
alter table aa add columns(col3 string);
- 7-表重命名
alter table aa rename to aa_test;
- 8-添加分区
alter table aa add partition(statdate=20170404); alter table bb add partition(statdate=20170404) location ‘/user/‘;
- 9-查看表分区
show partitioins aa;
- 10-修改分区
alter table aa partition(statdate=20170404) rename to partition(statdate=20170405); alter table bb partition(statdate=20170404) set location ‘/user/‘;
- 11-删除分区
alter table aa drop if exists partition(statdate=20170404);
- 12- beeline连接
beeline !connect jdbc:hive2://
- 13- 设置hive on spark
set hive.execution.engine=spark
- 14-终止任务
yarn application -kill job_id
- 15-指定分隔符导出文件
insert overwrite local directory ‘/home/hadoop/gaofeilu/test_delimited.txt‘ row format delimited fields terminated by ‘\t‘ select * from test;
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