Python 多线程threading学习
#encoding=gbk import threading import time counter=0 class add_thread(threading.Thread): def __init__(self): threading.Thread.__init__(self) def run(self): global counter time.sleep(1) counter += 1 print "%s,set counter:%s" %(,counter) if __name__ == "__main__": for i in range(200): thread = add_thread() thread.start()
Thread-167,set counter:167Thread-169,set counter:168 Thread-168,set counter:169
这里看以看出来,全局资源counter被线程抢占的情况,问题 产生的原因就是没有控制多线程访问同一个资源,让线程的执行结果不可预料,这就是线程不安全的。这个方法的避免就是互斥锁了。
A primitive lock is a synchronization primitive that is not owned by a particular thread when locked. In Python, it is currently the lowest level synchronization primitive available, implemented directly by the thread extension module.
A primitive lock is in one of two states, “locked” or “unlocked”. It is created in the unlocked state. It has two basic methods, acquire() and release(). When the state is unlocked, acquire() changes the state to locked and returns immediately. When the state is locked, acquire() blocks until a call to release() in another thread changes it to unlocked, then the acquire() call resets it to locked and returns. The release() method should only be called in the locked state; it changes the state to unlocked and returns immediately. If an attempt is made to release an unlocked lock, a RuntimeError will be raised.
#encoding=gbk import threading import time counter=0 mutex=threading.Lock() class add_thread(threading.Thread): def __init__(self): threading.Thread.__init__(self) def run(self): global counter,mutex time.sleep(1) if mutex.acquire(): counter += 1 print "%s,set counter:%s" %(,counter) mutex.release() if __name__ == "__main__": for i in range(200): thread = add_thread() thread.start()
A reentrant lock is a synchronization primitive that may be acquired multiple times by the same thread. Internally, it uses the concepts of “owning thread” and “recursion level” in addition to the locked/unlocked state used by primitive locks. In the locked state, some thread owns the lock; in the unlocked state, no thread owns it.
A condition variable is always associated with some kind of lock; this can be passed in or one will be created by default. (Passing one in is useful when several condition variables must share the same lock.)
#encoding=gbk import threading import time condition = threading.Condition() products = 0 class Producer(threading.Thread): def __init__(self): threading.Thread.__init__(self) def run(self): global condition, products while True: if condition.acquire(): if products < 10: products += 1; print "Producer(%s):deliver one, now products:%s" %(, products) condition.notify() else: print "Producer(%s):already 10, now products:%s" %(, products) condition.wait(); condition.release() time.sleep(2) class Consumer(threading.Thread): def __init__(self): threading.Thread.__init__(self) def run(self): global condition, products while True: if condition.acquire(): if products > 1: products -= 1 print "Consumer(%s):consume one, products:%s" %(, products) condition.notify() else: print "Consumer(%s):only 1, stop consume" %( condition.wait(); condition.release() time.sleep(2) if __name__ == "__main__": for p in range(0, 2): p = Producer() p.start() for c in range(0, 10): c = Consumer() c.start()