ajax servlet中文乱码
<script> varXMLHttpReq=false; functioncheckProviderName(){ if(""==DWRUtil.getValue('name').trim()){ alert("服务商全称不能为空"); ProviderForm.name.focus(); returnfalse; }elseif(validateCN(DWRUtil.getValue('name').trim())){ alert("服务商全称输入错误"); ProviderForm.name.focus(); returnfalse; }elseif(validateSafe(DWRUtil.getValue('name').trim())){ alert('服务商全称不要使用非法字符!'); ProviderForm.name.focus(); returnfalse; } if(window.XMLHttpRequest){//Mozilla XMLHttpReq=newXMLHttpRequest(); }elseif(window.ActiveXObject){ try{ XMLHttpReq=newActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP"); }catch(e){ try{ XMLHttpReq=newActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); }catch(e){} } } vartemp=DWRUtil.getValue('name').trim(); varurl="<%=request.getContextPath()%>/action/service_provider.do?act=checkProviderName&name="+encodeURI(encodeURI(temp));//要执行两次的encodeURI////关键!!!!! XMLHttpReq.open("GET",url,true); XMLHttpReq.; XMLHttpReq.setrequestheader("cache-control","no-cache"); XMLHttpReq.setrequestheader("Content-Type","text/html;encoding=UTF-8"); XMLHttpReq.send(null); } functioncheckP(){ if(XMLHttpReq.readyState==4){//对象状态 if(XMLHttpReq.status==200){//信息已成功返回,开始处理信息 <!--测试读取xml开始--> varroot=XMLHttpReq.responseXML; varres=root.getElementsByTagName("res")[0].firstChild.data; window.alert(res); <!--测试读取xml结束--> }else{ window.alert("所请求的页面有异常"); } } } </script> action. publicActionForwardcheckProviderName( ActionMappingmapping,ActionFormform, HttpServletRequestrequest,HttpServletResponseresponse)throwsException{ ProviderFormproviderForm=(ProviderForm)form; response.setContentType("text/xml;charset=UTF-8"); PrintWriterout=response.getWriter(); out.println("<response>"); StringstrNameEn=java.net.URLDecoder.decode(providerForm.getName(),"UTF-8");////解码关键!!!! System.out.println("sname+++++++++++>>"+strNameEn); if(checkProviderName(strNameEn)){ out.println("<res>"+"可以注册!"+"</res>"); }else{ out.println("<res>"+"不可以注册!"+"</res>"); } out.println("</response>"); return null; |
Javascript escape(), encodeURI(), encodeURIComponent()
关键字: Ajax,URI encode
The escape method returns a string value (in Unicode format) that contains the contents of [the argument]. All spaces, punctuation, accented characters, and any other non-ASCII characters are replaced with %xx encoding, where xx is equivalent to the hexadecimal number representing the character. For example, a space is returned as "%20."
The encodeURI method returns an encoded URI. If you pass the result to decodeURI, the original string is returned.
The encodeURI method does not encode the following characters: ":", "/", ";", and "?".
Use encodeURIComponent to encode these characters.
The encodeURIComponent method returns an encoded URI. If you pass the result to decodeURIComponent, the original string is returned. Because the encodeURIComponent method encodes all characters, be careful if the string represents a path such as /folder1/folder2/default.html. The slash characters will be encoded and will not be valid if sent as a request to a web server. Use the encodeURI method if the string contains more than a single URI component
When to use which?
The escape() method does not encode the + character which is interpreted as a space on the server side as well as generated by forms with spaces in their fields. Due to this shortcoming and the fact that this function fails to handle non-ASCII characters correctly, you should avoid use of escape() whenever possible. The best alternative is usually encodeURIComponent().
escape() will not encode: @*/+
Use of the encodeURI() method is a bit more specialized than escape() in that it encodes for URIs as opposed to the querystring, which is part of a URL. Use this method when you need to encode a string to be used for any resource that uses URIs and needs certain characters to remain un-encoded. Note that this method does not encode the ' character, as it is a valid character within URIs.
encodeURI() will not encode: ~!@#$&*()=:/,;?+'
Lastly, the encodeURIComponent() method should be used in most cases when encoding a single component of a URI. This method will encode certain chars that would normally be recognized as special chars for URIs so that many components may be included. Note that this method does not encode the ' character, as it is a valid character within URIs.
encodeURIComponent() will not encode: ~!*()'
对比 javascript url编码
escape() 方法: 采用ISO Latin字符集对指定的字符串进行编码。所有的空格符、标点符号、特殊字符以及其他非ASCII字符都将被转化成%xx格式的字符编码(xx等于该字符在字符集表里面的编码的16进制数字)。比如,空格符对应的编码是%20。
另外,encodeURI/encodeURIComponent是在javascript1.5之后引进的,escape则在javascript1.0版本就有。为什么要连续两次调用 encodeURI(String) 方法?
接着用 java.net.URLDecoder.decode(String str,String codename) 方法,将已经编码的 URI 转换成原文。
结束数据方法的参数,该如何定义?-- 集合为自定义实体类中的结合属性,有几个实体类,改变下标就行了。<input id="add" type="button" value="新增visitor&quo