LC.112.Path Sum<br />Given a binary tree and a sum, determine if the tree has a root-to-leaf path such that adding up all the values along the path equals the given sum.<br /><br />For example:<br />Given the below binary tree and sum = 22,<br /><br /><br />             / \<br />            4   8<br />           /   / \<br />          11  13  4<br />         /  \      \<br />        7    2      1<br />return true, as there exist a root-to-leaf path 5->4->11->2 which sum is 22.<br /><br />注意题意: if the tree has a root-to-leaf path 这道题是要走到底,不是走一半!!<br />如果走一半停止,那会很复杂<br /><br />这道题可以用pre-order对于二叉树自上到下来递归,每次递归生成一个减掉root.val的新sum,<br />然后先判断sum是否为零并且当前的root是否为leaf,若满足则return true,否则对其左儿子和右儿子分别递归,返回左儿子结果||右儿子结果,<br />如此往复直到root是null(本身是leaf,此时返回false)。<br /><br />time: o(n) space:o(n)<br /><br /><br /><br />
public boolean hasPathSum(TreeNode root, int sum) {
         if (root == null) return false ;
         int newSum = sum - root.val ;
         //判断sum是否为零并且当前的root 是否没有叶子了(已经走到底,不用再走了): 这道题是要走到底,不是走一半!
         if (root.left == null && root.right == null && newSum ==0){
             return true ;
         boolean leftRes = hasPathSum(root.left, newSum) ; //细节, 跟节点的 newSum 并不会被一边所改变
         boolean rightRes = hasPathSum(root.right,newSum) ;
         //如果左边或者右边有一边走到底并且走通了,则这一层返回 TRUE, 一直层层返回到最顶层 TRUE
         return leftRes || rightRes;