Python 机器学习之 SVM 预测买卖(标的物:比特币)
Python入门简单策略 sklearn 机器学习库的使用
什么是 SVM ?
支持向量机/support vector machine (SVM)。
Support Vector Machines are learning models used for classification: which individuals in a population belong where? So… how do SVM and the mysterious “kernel” work?
然后,在SVM 工具箱中有另一个更加重要的 trick。 魔鬼看到大侠已经学会了一个trick,于是魔鬼给了大侠一个新的挑战。
再之后,无聊的大人们,把这些球叫做 「data」,把棍子 叫做 「classifier」, 最大间隙trick 叫做「optimization」, 拍桌子叫做「kernelling」, 那张纸叫做「hyperplane」。
Please explain Support Vector Machines (SVM) like I am a 5 year old. : MachineLearning
Support Vector Machines explained well
[以上例子引用自 网络,侵删]
一个 SVM 应用于 bitcoin trading 的 DEMO
实现语言 Python 2numpy pandas TA-Lib scipy statsmodels sklearn cvxopt hmmlearn pykalman arch matplotlib
OK , Talk is cheap, Show code to you!
from sklearn import svm import numpy as np def main(): preTime = 0 n = 0 success = 0 predict = None pTime = None marketPosition = 0 initAccount = exchange.GetAccount() Log("Running...") while True: r = exchange.GetRecords() if len(r) < 60: continue bar = r[len(r)-1] if bar.Time > preTime: preTime = bar.Time if pTime is not None and r[len(r)-2].Time == pTime: diff = r[len(r)-2].Close - r[len(r)-3].Close if diff > SpreadVal: success += 1 if predict == 0 else 0 elif diff < -SpreadVal: success += 1 if predict == 1 else 0 else: success += 1 if predict == 2 else 0 pTime = None LogStatus("预测次数", n, "成功次数", success, "准确率:", '%.3f %%' % round(float(success) * 100 / n, 2)) else: Sleep(1000) continue inputs_X, output_Y = [], [] sets = [None, None, None] for i in xrange(1, len(r)-2, 1): inputs_X.append([r[i].Open, r[i].Close]) Y = 0 diff = r[i+1].Close - r[i].Close if diff > SpreadVal: Y = 0 sets[0] = True elif diff < -SpreadVal: Y = 1 sets[1] = True else: Y = 2 sets[2] = True output_Y.append(Y) if None in sets: Log("样本不足, 无法预测 ...") continue n += 1 clf = svm.LinearSVC(), output_Y) predict = clf.predict(np.array([bar.Open, bar.Close]).reshape((1, -1))) pTime = bar.Time Log("预测当前Bar结束:", bar.Time, ['涨', '跌', '横'][predict]) if marketPosition == 0: if predict == 0: exchange.Buy(initAccount.Balance/2) marketPosition = 1 elif predict == 1: exchange.Sell(initAccount.Stocks/2) marketPosition = -1 else: nowAccount = exchange.GetAccount() if marketPosition > 0 and predict != 0: exchange.Sell(nowAccount.Stocks - initAccount.Stocks) nowAccount = exchange.GetAccount() marketPosition = 0 elif marketPosition < 0 and predict != 1: while True: dif = initAccount.Stocks - nowAccount.Stocks if dif < 0.01: break ticker = exchange.GetTicker() exchange.Buy(ticker.Sell + (ticker.Sell-ticker.Buy)*2, dif) while True: Sleep(1000) orders = exchange.GetOrders() for order in orders: exchange.CancelOrder(order.Id) if len(orders) == 0: break nowAccount = exchange.GetAccount() marketPosition = 0 if marketPosition == 0: LogProfit(_N(nowAccount.Balance - initAccount.Balance, 4), nowAccount)
小样本测试 预测对的概率是 三分之一, 是不是很有趣!(预测情况分三种 涨、跌、横盘)
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