sql 中文转拼音首字母
--可支持大字符集20000个汉字! create function f_ch2py(@chn nchar(1)) returns char(1) as begin declare @n int declare @c char(1) set @n = 63 select @n = @n +1, @c = case chn when @chn then char(@n) else @c end from( select top 27 * from ( select chn = '吖' union all select '八' union all select '嚓' union all select '咑' union all select '妸' union all select '发' union all select '旮' union all select '铪' union all select '丌' union all select --because have no 'i' '丌' union all select '咔' union all select '垃' union all select '嘸' union all select '拏' union all select '噢' union all select '妑' union all select '七' union all select '呥' union all select '仨' union all select '他' union all select '屲' union all select --no 'u' '屲' union all select --no 'v' '屲' union all select '夕' union all select '丫' union all select '帀' union all select @chn) as a order by chn COLLATE Chinese_PRC_CI_AS ) as b return(@c) end go select dbo.f_ch2py('中') --Z select dbo.f_ch2py('国') --G select dbo.f_ch2py('人') --R select dbo.f_ch2py('镆') --M go -----------------调用 CREATE FUNCTION F_GetHelpCode ( @cName VARCHAR(20) ) RETURNS VARCHAR(12) AS BEGIN DECLARE @i SMALLINT, @L SMALLINT , @cHelpCode VARCHAR(12), @e VARCHAR(12), @iAscii SMALLINT SELECT @i=1, @L=0 , @cHelpCode='' while @L<=12 AND @i<=LEN(@cName) BEGIN SELECT @e=LOWER(SUBSTRING(@cname,@i,1)) SELECT @iAscii=ASCII(@e) IF @iAscii>=48 AND @iAscii <=57 OR @iAscii>=97 AND @iAscii <=122 or @iAscii=95 SELECT @cHelpCode=@cHelpCode +@e ELSE IF @iAscii>=176 AND @iAscii <=247 SELECT @cHelpCode=@cHelpCode + dbo.f_ch2py(@e) ELSE SELECT @L=@L-1 SELECT @i=@i+1, @L=@L+1 END RETURN @cHelpCode END GO --调用 select dbo.F_GetHelpCode('大力')
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