- 并行化,因为计算图是对计算的一种抽象,点之间的关系取决其依赖关系。因此,互相不依赖的计算可以并行计算,在多集群环境下可以进行分布式计算。
- 可移植性性,因为图是一种语言无关的表示方式,tensorflow 中使用protobuf来存储图,可以使用C++,python,jave等语言来解析图。
总结一下,tensorflow 中要进行计算主要进行两个步骤: 1. 构建graph; 2. session evaluate tensor
- node 节点的实现:
class Node(): def __init__(self, input_nodes): self.input_nodes=input_nodes self.output=Node def forward(self): pass def backward(self): pass
class add(Node): def forward(self, a,b): return a+b def backward(self,upstream_grad): NotImpl class multiple(Node): def forward(self, a,b): return a*b def backward(self,upstream_grad): NotImpl
- graph 实现
class Graph(): def __init__(self): self.nodes = [] def as_default(self): global _default_graph def add_node(self,node): _default_graph.append(node)
- session 实现
# session 接受要run的operation,要得到输出要拓扑排序所有的node,在session run的时候,按正确顺序执行。 可以表示为DAG(directed acyclic graph) # 将要执行的node作为unvisited node加入栈中,利用深度优先搜索的方式递归遍历所有的node,当node没有其他输入时,将node标记为visited出栈。出栈的顺序就是拓扑排序。 class Session(): def run(self, node, feed_dict={}): nodes_sorted=topology_sort(node) for node in nodes_sorted: if type(node)==Placeholder: node.output=feed_dict[node] elif type(node)==Variable or type(node)==Constant: node.output=node.value else: inputs=[node.output for node in node.input_nodes] node.output=node.forward(*inputs) return node.output
import numpy as np class Graph(): def __init__(self): self.operations = [] self.placeholders = [] self.variables = [] self.constants = [] def as_default(self): global _default_graph _default_graph = self class Operation(): def __init__(self, input_nodes=None): self.input_nodes = input_nodes self.output = None # Append operation to the list of operations of the default graph _default_graph.operations.append(self) def forward(self): pass def backward(self): pass class BinaryOperation(Operation): def __init__(self, a, b): super().__init__([a, b]) class add(BinaryOperation): """ Computes a + b element-wise """ def forward(self, a, b): return a + b def backward(self, upstream_grad): raise NotImplementedError class multiply(BinaryOperation): """ Computes a * b, element-wise """ def forward(self, a, b): return a * b def backward(self, upstream_grad): raise NotImplementedError class divide(BinaryOperation): """ Returns the true division of the inputs, element-wise """ def forward(self, a, b): return np.true_divide(a, b) def backward(self, upstream_grad): raise NotImplementedError class matmul(BinaryOperation): """ Multiplies matrix a by matrix b, producing a * b """ def forward(self, a, b): return a.dot(b) def backward(self, upstream_grad): raise NotImplementedError class Placeholder(): def __init__(self): self.value = None _default_graph.placeholders.append(self) class Constant(): def __init__(self, value=None): self.__value = value _default_graph.constants.append(self) @property def value(self): return self.__value @value.setter def value(self, value): raise ValueError("Cannot reassign value.") class Variable(): def __init__(self, initial_value=None): self.value = initial_value _default_graph.variables.append(self) def topology_sort(operation): ordering = [] visited_nodes = set() def recursive_helper(node): if isinstance(node, Operation): for input_node in node.input_nodes: if input_node not in visited_nodes: recursive_helper(input_node) visited_nodes.add(node) ordering.append(node) # start recursive depth-first search recursive_helper(operation) return ordering class Session(): def run(self, operation, feed_dict={}): nodes_sorted = topology_sort(operation) for node in nodes_sorted: if type(node) == Placeholder: node.output = feed_dict[node] elif type(node) == Variable or type(node) == Constant: node.output = node.value else: inputs = [node.output for node in node.input_nodes] node.output = node.forward(*inputs) return operation.output import tf_api as tf # create default graph tf.Graph().as_default() # construct computational graph by creating some nodes a = tf.Constant(15) b = tf.Constant(5) prod = tf.multiply(a, b) sum = tf.add(a, b) res = tf.divide(prod, sum) # create a session object session = tf.Session() # run computational graph to compute the output for ‘res‘ out = session.run(res) print(out)
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