Compile ffmpeg for iOS 6, support Simulator & armv7 & armv7s
In the posts, I will show how to use ffmpeg on iOS.
This posts is a document for this project:
Now, ffmpec support x264 module. If you use the script before, please check your version first.
What is ffmpeg ?
FFmpeg is a complete, across-platform solution to record, convert and stream audio and video.
Why use ffmpeg?
- Play h.264 video
- encoding capture video to h.264 video(It need ffmpeg h.264 module.)
- publish a av stream
- subscribe a rtsp av stream
Before use ffmpegc-demo, you should download and compile ffmpeg:
I made a repository to make the step easy:
[email protected]:lvjian700/ffmpegc-demo.git
2.Open in XCode and copy build/*.a and x264/build/*.a to libs/ folder of the project:
3. Add them to project link library
Project References -> Targets -> Build Phases -> Link Binary With Librarys

4. Add dependences library:
Project References -> Targets -> Build Phases -> Link Binary With Librarys
Add two library:
- libbz.dylib
- libz.dylib
- libiconv.2.4.0.dylib

5. Add Header Search Paths:
Project References -> Targets -> Build Settings -> Header Search Paths
1. add ffmpeg core header paths:

2. add x264 header paths:

6. Now, run project ...
Some useful document:
《How to prepare your mac for ios development with ffmpeg libraries》
《ffmpeg configure options》 -pdf