消息:SQL Server 2017(vNext)的第三个公开的CTP(社区技术预览版)发布了
SQL Server 2017 CTP3于5月23日发布了,详细版本号是6.7.55.0。
大家可以去安装试试。在下载页面,目前是SQL Server vNext。预计下一个CTP版本会把所有2017的字样都更新成vNext,计划是六月份。
请从这里下载预览版:Microsoft System Center Management Pack (Community Technical Preview 3) for SQL Server vNext。
- Implemented new workflows: Discoveries for SQL Server Agent and SQL Server Agent Jobs
- Unit and rollup monitors for SQL Server Agent
- Performance rules for Resource Pools
- Alerting rules for SQL Server Agent on Windows
- Tasks for the Database
- Tasks for starting/stopping Windows services
- Monitors and performance rules for Memory-Optimized Tables
- Always On discoveries
- "Resource Pool Memory Consumption" monitor
- "Discover Database Custom User Policy on Windows and Linux" and "Discover Database Engine Resource Pools on Windows and Linux" discoveries
- Console tasks on Windows and Linux
尝试过程中有什么反馈可以给微软发信[email protected]。
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